What is Lacking in Balance to Achieve Harmony?

232.05Question: Let’s say a person is constantly in doubt and is trying to use intuition without fully understanding what it is. How would you advise him to make decisions from a harmonious state,  not out of imbalance when he is unsure of what is right or wrong, but from a place of balance?

How can we make decisions from a simple state to make additional steps?

Answer: If a person strives for harmony from a simple state, he usually achieves this by lowering his actions: moving less, thinking less, worrying less, hearing less, seeing less, and so on. The best thing is to take a sleeping pill and fall asleep.

That is, we have no harmony, but we try to achieve it by correctly balancing the forces acting on us. We call this harmony although it is not harmony at all but mutual neutralization of stimuli.

Question: So are balance and harmony not the same thing?

Answer: No. The fact is that we must understand how to restrict ourselves to not lose the harmony that has been achieved and not fall into imbalance.

Comment: When I think about it, I always remember the example of a tightrope walker. It seems that he is walking along the line and every step must be balanced or he will fall. At the same time, it is not a harmonious state but a constant effort, and constant control at every moment.

My Response: Well, we can say that this is the right balance, the right harmony. But still, one must constantly consider possible future outcomes in his sub-conscience and prove to himself that they can always be balanced.

Question: What does balance lack to become harmony? Does something need to be added?

Answer: Knowledge of the future, of the forces that affect you, of your capabilities, and of the world around you. All this can lead very far.

Comment: Turns out, there are many more elements to be added.

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/18/22

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The Law Of Universal Balance
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