Will We Survive or Perish?


1. One-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally. This amounts to about 1.3 billion tons per year, worth approximately US$1 trillion.

2. All the food produced but never eaten would be sufficient to feed two billion people. That’s more than twice the number of undernourished people across the globe (World Food Programme).

The U.S. throws away up to 11.3 million tons of textile waste each year—around 2,150 pieces of clothing each second …

Only a fraction of what’s manufactured gets recycled. Eighty-seven percent of the total fiber input used for clothing is ultimately incinerated or sent to a landfill. Fashion brands have come under criticism for practices such as destroying unsold products and sending piles of clothes to landfills (Bloomberg).  

Question: I also heard that two million cars have been produced globally that were never sold over the past two decades. Over the last 20 years, two million more cars were produced than were sold globally.

In conclusion—an incredible conclusion—we have reached the limits of our world and now need to expand beyond our planet, i.e., to economically develop other celestial bodies.

But today this is not possible. So what should we do? Imagine coming to such a conclusion! They don’t say: “We need to stop this madness somehow. What are we doing?!

Answer: We can’t do anything else. How can we stop it? Stall everything? Turn off the lights?

Comment: We’ve messed up here, so now we need to move to another place, and there we will…

Answer: You are not going to go anywhere, nor will you do anything here either.

Question: So they ultimately ask what we must do? How can a person come to the right conclusion from these true and frightening statistics?

Answer: We have exploited this planet, sucked everything out of it, and polluted it. So now we can die in peace.

Question: Are we unable to stop anything? Over the years there have been so many economists and so many proposals for change!

Answer: No, there were no proposals. These were all unrealistic utopias, nothing really to work with. If you don’t change man, there’s no sense in changing anything else.

Comment: So there’s only one real conclusion—to change man.

Answer: Yes, for one to feel what is worth living for.

Question: And then will he then stop producing so many cars and throwing away so much food unnecessarily?

Answer: He will work only for what is necessary, to make necessity sufficient.

Comment: Your conclusion is very simple—to change man to get by with necessities.

Answer: Yes, because we cannot change the world.

Question: In that case, here is my usual question: Doesn’t each person have their own set of necessities?

Answer: It depends on their upbringing. Everyone will apply this education to themselves personally.

Question: But will it ring true in their minds and hearts? “I don’t need more, this is enough for me.”

Answer: Of course.

Question: Well, you know, this is utopian.

Answer: If this is utopian, then we will go down a different path, a path of self-destruction. Only very simple self-destruction. Stop having children, stop producing anything. Stop the process, begin stalling this planet.

Comment: That is, if we don’t make do with necessities, then it’s self-destruction and there is no other way.

My Response: Yes.

Question: At the point of reaching necessity does one experience happiness that he has enough and needs nothing more? Is this a good, happy state?

Answer: What can he replace it with? After all, his greed also knows no bounds. How can you stop it? My neighbor has more! It’s a race!

An arms race, a technology race, a race of anything. What can you do? We need to change the character of man. We cannot change his nature, but we can change the typical application of his nature. We will either come to this or we will die.

Question: That is, the “I want” will not change. My desire that needs to be filled—this will not change. I have to be filled with something. So how will this sentence conclude?

Answer: I have to be filled so I feel I get everything from the world at the same time! And then I don’t need anything else. I will only get completely fulfilled when we mutually fill each other.

There’s no getting away from this. We will have to figure this out and how to come to this.

We will not be able to destroy ourselves, but rather we must bring ourselves to the realization of this need for change.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/7/22

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