From Spiritual Attainment

235Question: The Torah is written in the language of branches. For example, in the Torah the word “Egypt” (Mitzraim) means “concentration of evil” (Mitz Ra). That is, a Kabbalist feels the evil of his egoistic nature, but calls it Egypt. In our world there is such a country or, say, a place. This is clear.

But when a Kabbalist says such terms as “Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin,” there is no manifestation of such words in our world. Where are their branches?

Answer: Partly, they are manifested. In our world there are words like “Keter, Hochma, Bina,” although we use them in a completely different context. But there are also terms that are not used in our world. Kabbalists derived them from their spiritual attainment.

In other words, there are spiritual objects that do not manifest in the material world. And there are those that do manifest so we by seeing the branches can name them.

Comment: But if we can’t name them, then Kabbalists came up with all sorts of names, for example, “Ten Sefirot,” which actually do not mean anything?

Answer: This is not made up but derived out of their attainment. For example, why did they call the mountain in Jerusalem the Mount of Olives? Because they saw that it was suitable for planting olive trees on it. And so with the other words.

That is, if a person does not have spiritual attainment, he cannot research anything in Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/16/22

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