As He Was Born, So He Departed


Served like a hound, killed like a dog (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec).

Question: What do we serve as dogs?

Answer: “Dog,” I think after all, especially in Polish, is an honorable name.

Comment: But “served like a hound” clearly means “faithfully.” Licked from all sides.

My Response: Yes. But not obsequiously, rather, devotedly. And was killed like a dog, meaning, pushed away, neglected.

Question: And if we touch on your constant theme—egoism in this world, how would you consider “served like a hound, killed like a dog”?

Answer: I don’t know. After all, “killed like a dog”—I do not know. If a person wants to be devoted to the right cause or the right goal, then I don’t believe that he was killed like a dog. Of course he perceives everything that happens to him, but in a different perspective, in a different focus.

Question: If a person serves a real purpose, how would you finish this sentence? What’s happening? What would you replace the word “killed” with?

Answer: “Did everything one could and departed.” Insignificant. As he was born, so he departed. He wanted more, but it didn’t work out.

Question: What good is in the fact that one departs the way he was born?

Answer: This is the routine.

Question: That’s how one should depart?

Answer: Sure. Give everything away! Absolutely!

Question: Don’t cling to anything?

Answer: Never. And that’s good. If you think that that’s how the end should be, this is a state of rest when you are not trying to hold anything, but only to let go.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/7/22

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