Prayer That Is Accepted On Atonement Day

562.02Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself (George Bernard Shaw).

My Response: This is not an easy task.

Question: Let’s say “finding yourself” is more or less clear: finding yourself in a profession… What do you mean by the words “creating yourself “?

Answer: Creating ourselves is what we are facing. In fact, this is not such a sky-high thing. This is the requirement that is imposed on us from our life, to make ourselves similar to the Creator.

Comment: I do not know what the Creator is, I do not know who He is…

My Response: This will be explained to you in detail. Write down: “The first condition is to love everyone.”

Question: So the first point is: Should I learn to love everyone? Does this mean to be similar to the Creator by and large?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it a prayer if I write it down and look at it all the time?

Answer: Yes, that is a prayer. Imagine that you are like a parent, maybe strict, maybe kind, no matter which, but loving. The way such a parent treats his children, so you should treat people.

Question: At the moment when I read this daily and realize that I cannot, is this a prayer: “I cannot!”?

Answer: This is not a prayer, but a state when you check yourself and see how much you need to be corrected. Then you have already prepared some claims or requests for correction. So you wait for the day of atonement and present them.

Question: Is this the real prayer of Yom Kippur?

Answer: Yes. You judge yourself, you come and demand the Creator to correct you because you cannot correct yourself. The only one who can is Him. But only in accordance with your demands, requests, and pleas. So hurry up!

Question: You started from loving everyone. Is this, in principle, the basis of Yom Kippur?

Answer: Yes, it is called “Ahavat olam“—love of the world.

Question: Is this what I want to come to and I cannot, and I ask?

Answer: Absolutely! So get ready.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 9/29/22

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