Moving Away From The Matter

610.2Comment: If you look at how society as a whole has developed, then, in principle, people have always been busy plowing fields, etc. They always engaged in physical labor.

My Response: And now the work is different; it flows into spiritual work. We can do everything else effortlessly with the help of automation, machinery, 3D printers, etc. so much so that it will not be difficult for anyone.

People move into a completely different environment, into a different production process—a spiritual one.

If we can do everything for ourselves with the help of information, media, all kinds of volumetric printers, interaction with each other, and everything else, then can you imagine where our development is pulling us? In general, we are moving to a completely different way of existence. We are moving away from matter.

Soon this matter should disappear altogether. Everything will pass into the world of forces. You will live at the level of the forces that bind you to others. And all kinds of material volumes will not take up space in your senses. The sensory organs will become more and more aware of the power manifestations of interconnections at the level of forces, not at the level of objects.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. If You Lost Your Job” 3/13/14

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