Adult Questions from Children

961.2Comment: Parents send you their children’s questions. The questions are actually deep.

Eight year old Marina asks: “When my parents were fighting a lot, I would come to school very sad. Because of this, children did not want to be friends with me. It is a war now and my mother went to my grandmother’s. And now everyone is sad. And I am glad. Because now they understand what it was like for me. Is it bad that I am happy?”

My Response: But the parents are sad. So what are you happy about?

Question: She is glad that they now understand what it was like for her when they were fighting and she was sad. And how is eight years old Marina supposed to get out of this? Or how should she behave? I see my parents sad, for example, or everyone around me sad.

Answer: Set a goal to make them joyful.

Question: That is, by the fact that she is glad, she gradually understands her nature? This is an eight-year-old child! Suddenly she feels that she rejoices when others feel bad. What does this say about our time?

Answer: That we can already approach a state that we are able to understand.

Question: If children understand this, then can we even more so? Can we already start teaching children this?

Answer: You can teach children everything. They are ready for absolutely anything! We have already entered what is called the period of the last generation. As for adults, those children’s parents, it is not known whether they are ready for this or not.

Question: Because they have one foot in the past?

Answer: Yes. It is quite possible that these are dinosaurs that should give way and be reborn again. And to come into this world as a child again—so naive, so open.

We have grown-up children, just like adults!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/14/22

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