Every Day Brings The World Closer To Correction

963.6The revelation of Reshimot is accompanied by unpleasant sensations because they reveal our shortcomings. But at the same time, they show us the conditions for clarifying true needs. The growth of the global desire to enjoy and the revelation of the Reshimot from the shattering are the main factors of our awakening.

They awaken all of humanity. Look what huge steps humanity is taking now toward new states. Soon we will see drastic changes in which a clear focus and the right setting for connection, rapprochement, rational consumption, and correction will be clearly noticeable. Otherwise, we simply cannot survive.

The whole of humanity will begin to feel this pressure due to such simple things as problems with oil that are emerging today and with providing energy. Soon there may be a shortage of food, hunger, severe drought, or a new pandemic. So we will find out that we are in one system, we depend on each other, and we must realize this dependence.

And the main thing is to understand that only our connection can generate a force that will affect all negative phenomena and turn them into positive ones. In this way, the virus will oblige us all to look for a cure due to which we will get closer, unite, and thus get closer to connection, to the goal of creation.

It turns out that no phenomenon is revealed to our detriment, but every event, every moment, and every day brings us closer to correction. Therefore, it is necessary to enjoy your life and try to actively engage in this process. The correction of the world depends only on the good connection between us.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/10/22,  Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot

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