Power Has To Be Kind

294.2Question: Are people with an obvious inclination for power closer to correction and spiritual development? According to the pyramid of desires, they should be more developed.

Answer: Perhaps they are closer to recognizing the evil of power, but it depends on the circumstances. The fact is power is not about only one person. We are talking about an individual who exists in society. Therefore, we cannot talk about him in isolation from society, from the outer conditions.

Thus, we have to take into consideration a person, society, the Creator, and the way the Creator governs us through society.

Question: How will the desire for power be expressed within a person in the future?

Answer: I hope we will show people that power has to be kind and caring just like a mother’s power over her baby. Such should be the power of the society over an individual and no more.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/22/22

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