The Paradox Of Life

264.01What determines that some people suffer more and others less? It is from the inner basis of a person, from his place in the general system, because he is as a certain cornerstone in it responsible for the entire system, and therefore, he must be pushed more sharply toward correction.

There are no dealings with individuals as is commonly believed. Never! Because the system is general. Only the inclusion of a person is taken into account.

None of us live on our own. Can a single cell exist in the body on its own? If it lives only for itself, then it turns into a cancer cell. It must give itself completely to the whole organism. Only for its sake does it exist, by its order it dies, by its order it functions without any thought of itself.

And then—this is a paradox—if everything in the body exists only for the common life: the heart is not for itself, the lungs are not for itself, all parts of the body are not for their own sake, then the whole organism really lives and functions successfully.

Imagine what a balanced system it is! It is like you are hanging in the air and everyone has to think about everyone. As soon as somebody thinks of himself, everything collapses, you fall.

We exist in exactly such a system. It turns out that by taking care of each other, we come to a state when we rise above the level of our existence.

What is the paradox? If my animal body exists and thanks to it I exist as a human above my animal body, then when I consciously connect with other people into a single harmony, I will begin to feel my existence at a higher level, at the level of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Partnership Agreement” 4/7/10

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