What Does A Person Feel Before Death?

627.2Question: Doctors and nurses of hospitals and hospices say that most often before death people admit to someone from their loved ones that they love them. The phrase “I love you” is uttered by most dying patients. A great number of people have a feeling that this is what they missed in life.

Even a materialist like Steve Jobs wrote in his final letter: “Treasure love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well. Cherish others.”

What can you say about the fact that a person before death says “I love you”?

Answer: A person before death begins to feel something from the world of truth. He is not just illuminated by the future, he escapes from the egoism of the past. After all, what does death mean? First of all, it means the death of our egoism. Whether he acquires something after that is another question.

Question: Is this some kind of a boundary between caring only about yourself and exiting into a completely different space? And there is a small truth there.

Answer: It is small, but this is where we begin to attain it and a new world opens up.

Question: Is “I love you” this truth?

Answer: Yes, this is where it starts. From the fact that you now feel that you did not love and what it means to really love.

Question: Do I feel at this moment that I lived for myself, loved only myself?

Answer: Very much so!

Question: What is in this last confession, this cry, this prayer?

Answer: A person realizes that his entire life in his egoism was basically wrong. Yet, there are people who say the opposite: “Drink, smoke, party, take everything you can from life.” I am serious. I have heard that. “Do not take anything else into account! Fulfill your desires.”

Comment: This is an interesting twist. Suddenly, from the romantic “I love you” to this…

My Response: This is not a romantic “I love you.” This is what a person really feels. These are not romantic feelings of “I do love—I do not love.”

Question: Is this an illumination of such truth?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Still, could you tell me what is behind “I love you”?

Answer: It depends on what kind of person is saying it.

Question: But in truth, what is behind the phrase “I love you”?

Answer: I love you means that I want to feel myself as something nonexistent that only fulfills you and rejoices in your fulfillment.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/29/21

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