When The Spiritual Muse Leaves You

962.3Question: How should we organize the work of people responsible for integral education?

Answer: It should be mutual work where everyone is an expert in his own business but all are tied in one team. How? As far as I bend to my friends, in this I am great, despite all my personal searches. The unification should be just above this.

But in our business it happens that a person suddenly falls, for a day, for two, etc. He is unable to speak, he has inner experiences, and his spiritual muse disappears somewhere. Here you need to come to the rescue, look for a temporary replacement.

Question: How can you convey to people with structured thinking, who do not have endless torment and  doubts that these are just properties that can also be useful?

Answer: Do you really think that when I go out to class every day, I have no inner searches, worries, assents and dissents? But my students don’t see it! You can never tell by looking at me what my inner state is like. And, believe me, it is thousands of times more complicated than yours.

You have to own it. At first it is very difficult and may even become an excuse to say: “I cannot do anything now,” they will understand you. But it shouldn’t go into the system. Then it will be easier.
From KabTV’s “Through Time”

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