Do Not Lose Your Mental Balance

630.2Question: An experiment has been launched in Brussels on restoring mental health during the pandemic. They send people not to pharmacies but to museums. Moreover, museum exhibitions vary from fashion industry to wastewater treatment.

A similar system was implemented in Quebec. Doctors there prescribe up to 50 preventive visits to museums during the year to their patients. They say that this will be more effective than antidepressants during this crisis.

How do you like this unique solution instead of antidepressants?

Answer: It is very good. At least it is a kind of educational process.

Question: Does a person forget about all his problems when he enters a museum?

Answer: He starts to look at the world in a different way.

Question: What if museums are about the history of fashion, the history of humanity, nature, and so on?

Answer: It develops a person and expands his mind. He at the same time starts to look at the world differently. It is necessary. This is the way to realize where we are, what we are in nature, and who we are in general. Man really needs this. Based on all this, he will be able to solve other problems.

Question: Are you in favor of visiting museums?

Answer: Absolutely! I can give you an example. I was in Toronto and New York for 28 days and practically did not get out of museums. Every day I went to a new museum. It helps to expand the mind.

Question: That is, a person who is in a state of crisis needs this expansion of the mind?

Answer: Yes. He looks at the world differently, in a broader manner, as a whole, and he sees connections between things, objects, and forces. He starts to look at the world in such a way that the world turns out to be much bigger than this small, narrow world in which he suffers.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/9/21

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