Correction At The Lowest Stage

740.01Question: What does “man shoes” mean from the point of view of Kabbalah?

Answer: Shoes are like a protective shield, which should be at the last degree of human desire. Usually if a person is standing on holy ground or in a special place, then shoes are removed. This signifies that he is corrected and there is nothing in the whole set of his desires that wasn’t corrected.

And when he has egoistic desires, they all accumulate in his lowest degree, in his legs. Then he must put on shoes so as not to come into contact with the holy land.

If the Torah says that the order “take off your shoes” comes, it means that you have to check yourself and correct yourself at your lowest, heaviest degree. In other words, you are checking whether this degree matches the holy land.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/27/19

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“Remove Your Shoe”
“Remove His Shoe From His Foot”
“One Should Always Sell the Beams of His House”

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