It Is Impossible To Prevent The Revelation Of The Creator

610.1Baal HaSulam, “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah”: And here there is a conduct of general and particular: General—the whole of humanity, obligated to eventually come to this immense development, as it is written, “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as water covers the sea”

The general law of nature is summed up by this; all of us are obligated now or in one of our next reincarnations to reveal the Creator, to attain Him, to unite and fully merge with Him.

This is the general law of nature and there is not a single small element in nature on the levels of the still, vegetative, animate, and human that will not advance toward this goal either unconsciously, instinctively, or consciously, like the Kabbalists.

Particular—that even before the perfection of the whole of humanity, this rule is implemented in a chosen few individuals in every generation.

No one should doubt that we will attain the highest level of development, the Creator. The attainment of this goal by everyone in our generation depends on us. This is the law of the general and particular.

Question: How is revelation of the Creator inevitable among the creatures if we talk about the existence of freedom of choice?

Answer: It is specifically freedom of choice that brings the creature to inevitably reveal the Creator. By using it correctly, a person begins to understand that his freedom lies in reaching the level of the Creator. Then he will be absolutely free. That is the entire paradox.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 8/18/19

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