At The Level Of Integral Solutions

528.03Today, practically no person in the world feels that he exists in an integral system, which is a single organism. We need as if to take the parts of the body, arms, legs, and so on, connect them together, and revive them with a general life-giving force.

When this united collective begins to feel this way at least to a minimum extent, it will be able to really make completely new decisions at a new level: how to manage the world, the country, and all the decisions humanity must make. It will have a new level of perception of reality, a new level of problem-solving.

This will be an integral collective and an integral solution in accordance with the integral nature that is beginning to manifest itself in humanity today. Otherwise, we will not be able to handle any problems.

Individual solutions contradict the integral solution; therefore, we will not have any success in solving problems with our current attitude. We will make more and more mistakes, which will lead us to great suffering, and then to the need to come to the correct solution. But this is a very long and undesirable path that includes all sorts of problems and even perhaps wars.

At the same time, small integrated teams who unite into one single system, can correctly solve problems at a new level and already today give clear recommendations for proper management.

The only question is, whom to manage? Let us say there is an integral group that produces the correct algorithms. Who will implement them? After all, this requires people who will correctly perceive these tasks, unite with each other at the level of implementation, and also solve this in an integral way.

That is, here we already require suitable performers. As a result, we are faced with the task of creating small integral groups that can solve both managerial and executive tasks.
From KabTV’s “The Science of Management”

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