When Does The Need For Torah Arise?

746.03Question: After leaving Egypt, the people approached Mount Sinai to receive the Torah, spiritual instruction. Why did they not need it up to this point?

Answer: Because a person develops like a small child. He does not need instructions for the first years of his life. Later we begin to teach him. He paints pictures, everything is shown and explained to him, and he is taught in school. That is, he must gradually be included in society in the correct form.

Comment: But a demand arose among the people: “Give us such a system so we will stop hating each other!”

My Response: We are talking about a ripe nation that has gone through a great deal of suffering and realized that if they are not connected with each other, then the force that influences them will affect them negatively.

After all, a nation that is not united is forcibly dividing this force and it manifests itself in contradiction in each one toward the others. Naturally, everyone will suffer. So, they demanded instruction.

After receiving it, they began to move on and wandered in the desert for forty years until that generation died that knew what it was like to be enslaved, meaning, to be in one’s egoistic desires that you indulge and that seem necessary, and good—work for your egoism and you will be fine.

That generation had to die, i.e., completely abandon the use of egoism for one’s own sake. Now as we approach the last generation this should work in us. We must realize that we have no other path than to rise above egoism in positive union with one another.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/19/21

Related Material:
The People Of Israel Before And After Receiving The Torah
Preparation For “Giving The Torah”
The Great Assembly At The Foot Of The Mountain

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