No Pleasure Greater Than Reconciling Opposites

232.031Comment: You said that reconciling the opposites is the greatest pleasure in the world. There is no greater pleasure.

Answer: Yes. It is said that “There is no greater pleasure than reconciling opposites.”

Contradiction is the state when you cannot decide anything, you are as if squeezed by pliers. You do not know where the truth is, where the lie is, you do not know how to behave. Yet, you must resolve this contradiction.

When it is resolved, it feels like the greatest pleasure.

Question: Where is the Creator in this picture?

Answer: When a person asks the Creator to help him reconcile contradictions, then it is in their reconciliation that he attains the Creator. That is why they are given to us.

The opposite states are intentionally included in nature in order for us to come to such a feeling that we need their common source—the Creator. Then we turn to Him so that He Himself would reconcile these contradictions for us.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States”

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