The Goal Provided By Nature

255Question: Was the entire development of humanity only to come to an understanding of the collapse of egoistic development?

Answer: This goal is foreseen by nature. It is described in The Book of the Zohar to the smallest consequences up to our time and even further.

Question: Why did humanity need the path of suffering?

Answer: We need to be aware of our state of impasse, our wrong behavior, and all the bumps we have felt so that then we have something to fix.

It is from the realization of evil and its gradual, consistent correction that we will begin to understand the program of nature. We must definitely see that in this I was wrong, in this I went wrong. We will remember the entire history of mankind—how we gnawed, killed each other, fought, divorced, got together, died, lived, and corrected it because it was egotistically wrong.

Correcting it now, in ourselves, we should not go back thousands of years. Everything will happen very quickly, within months. But it is by feeling, realizing, and correcting our various past problems and mistakes, which we have accumulated throughout the entire development of civilization, that we come to know the upper layer of nature, the upper governance.

Why did it negatively affect us? It is according to our negative behavior. And if I change this behavior to a positive one, how will it affect me? In practice, I follow the same program, only I correct it.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Marriage Contract” 8/19/09

Related Material:
Find Out What Is Happening To Us
What Will Be The Way: Long Or Short?
The Foundation Of Human Nature

Calling Up The Creator

934Question: Suppose I asked the teacher to call the Creator and the teacher responded that the Creator is expecting my call. How based on this can we arrange a permanent, constant connection that includes everyone?

Answer: If you are connected in a ten, you can call upon the Creator. Imagine that you can reach the Creator only if together you dial His number, which consists of ten digits.

You reach the Creator and He answers all of you at once. If one of you drops the connection, then a certain digit is missing and the connection with the Creator is cut off. That is the way it works.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 4/18/19

Related Material:
Hello, Do You Hear Well?
An Honest Talk With The Creator
Getting Charged Within The Field Of The Creator

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/7/21

Preparation to the Lesson

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