Breaking The Information Impasse

962.8Question: Did the Kabbalists predict that an information explosion would take place in the last generation and people would not be able to cope with the processing and use of information? What kind of reboot should society make today for the information use?

Answer: We can say that now we are facing another revolution. The fact is that we quite often encounter such states.

When we felt the need for a million horses to transport something from place to place, we invented the locomotive. When we felt that it was impossible to drag what we needed on the ground with the help of a locomotive, we invented other means of transportation, other possibilities, etc. Nature is constantly pushing us to do this.

Today we are at an information impasse. We dirtied the whole atmosphere with all kinds of “likes.” In the end, this is all emptiness. But we are still sitting in this and cannot get rid of it. It’s like we’re stuck in the mud and unable to get ourselves out of it.

I think this will all lead to orderliness, to the fact that we will stop twitching in our information world and rise to the next level. Essentially, it will be important for us to communicate with each other. This is the solution to today’s technological, informational deadlock.
From KabTV’s “Integral Course” 3/19/21

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