Commandments—Laws Of The Universe

631.4Comment: The Ten Commandments are the laws of interaction between people. Some of them look like that, and some of them don’t.

My Response: In principle, these are the laws of the universe. But since they are determined by the relationships between people, and our relationships are determined by all the other laws of nature, then, of course, everything comes down precisely to the relationship between us.

Question: The first commandment is, “I am the Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” As far as I understand, only the Creator can lead a person out of his egoism. But why did the Creator have to declare this particular commandment first?

Answer: Because this is the cornerstone commandment that there is only one force in the world that is above all. It raises man from the inanimate, vegetative,  and animate levels of nature to the level of Adam, Man.

Adam is the one who understands the connection with the Creator. Almost all of humanity is at the level of  animal  no matter how much it knows or how much it has developed the sciences and arts.

“Animal” is when a person thinks about himself, he is in his egoism. Therefore, the exit from this state to the level of “Man,” Adam, similar to the Creator (“Adam” from the word “Domeh,” similar to the Creator) can be accomplished only under the influence of a special higher power, called the Creator.

This power is called the Creator because it creates man.

Question: In other words, the Kabbalists discovered the law that the change of the egocentric perception of the world to the integral one can occur through the higher force of nature? Is that why it says: “…brought you out of the land of Egypt”?

Answer: Yes. This is a change in the state of a person in our world. It is about spiritual ascent, about comprehension.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/26/19

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