New Life 1292 – How To Reduce Stress And Anxiety?

New Life 1292 – How To Reduce Stress And Anxiety?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

We experience stress and anxiety due to our egoistic attitudes toward others and not because of any external factors at home or work. We think we are stressed due to issues related to money, health, work, and home, all of which have all been exacerbated by Covid in recent months. We resist what is happening and worry and want to control the future so that it will be less uncertain. The truth is that we are not in charge.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that all of these issues come to us from Mother Nature so that we will learn to let go of our belief that we can control the future and instead will attribute the issues we are facing to the benevolent leadership of the upper force.

We need to actively change our approach to the people in our lives so that we will be more friendly with them, in the same way that all of nature’s actions toward us are friendly and good. We need to consciously choose to accept and flow with the providence of the upper force in the same way that the still, vegetative, and animate levels of nature do. Like a baby being taken care of by its mother, we need to trust, learn, and grow in her loving arms. In this way we calm down and become partners in a mutual relationship based on love within an integral system.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1292 – How To Reduce Stress And Anxiety?” 27/12/20

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