Explore The Present To Reach The Future

284Question: Difficulties in communication between people usually arise from misunderstandings, fear, or disgust. The biggest problem is when two people do not understand each other and, because of this, they cannot establish contact.

How can I find the right communication model, particularly in integral education courses where people come to get closer?

Answer: First, students must imagine a future state in which they understand each other, are connected to each other, and have a common conceptual and logical sensory field.

They begin there, as if they really are already in that future state, and then they subsequently find out how different it actually is from what they have today and what they still have to do to get to it.

Then, they gradually include the current state, which all agree is contrary to the future and see how they can still get closer for the sake of it.

Question: So first, we need to describe the future to people so that they will want it, and when they begin to strive for it, further explore the present?

Answer: Yes. I think this is the best solution. Then they will understand why they have to sacrifice something in order to come to this future.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/14/20

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