How To Be Rid Of All Fears

617Question: As we know, today we are full of fears: fears about the future, the present, our beloved ones, distant ones, in general for the world, for ourselves, everything. There are a million tips on the Internet for getting rid of fears. Everything is logical and at the same time does not convince me personally.

I want to hear your advice: How can fears disappear? Is it possible at all?

Answer: I think that fears can really disappear if I cling to the upper governing force. Then I have no fears, I am like a baby in my mother’s arms. Nothing can possibly happen to me. Whatever happened, happened because the upper force is constantly acting on me, teaching me, leading me, and I am in it.

Remark: You say it in such a way that I want to go straight into the hands of this upper force.

My Comment: And this is precisely because of the greatest fear, that we feel there is no way to get rid of all our problems: mental, nervous, psychological—this is the only way out. And from this fear, we will begin to feel the Creator. You will even begin to sense your mother’s scent.

Question: Is this self-persuasion?

Answer: No. This is a necessary animalistic need! Just like an animal wants to feel its mother in this way because inside her it felt itself in maximum safety and next to her in relative safety, we should feel the whole of nature and the Creator in the same way: that we are inside Him.

If we yearn to feel Him, then we will begin to understand that all negative feelings and fears have only driven us to Him. That is, they have been our helpers, they have directed us to Him, and nothing more.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/15/20

Related Material:
Fear—Agent Of Development
How To Get Rid Of Fears In Life?
The Roots Of Fear

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