Guide For Round Tables, Part 17

528.04Round Table: Exchanging Impressions

Remark: The final stage of the round tables is an exchange of impressions. The main task is to analyze, summarize the activities of the circle, and discuss the extent of the connection. The understanding of the process we went through takes place.

My Comment: This is very important. A person should feel all this in the heart and consider it in the mind. Then combine together all one’s mental and sensory impressions and try to express them somehow.

Question: What should be the result?

Answer: Try to express one’s impressions. Perhaps in a few lines or in a few sentences.
From Kab TV’s “Management Skills” 7/9/20

Related Material:
Guide For Round Tables, Part 16
Guide For Round Tables, Part 15
Guide For Round Tables, Part 14

Everyone Can Make Mistakes

254.01Question: Is it important for a leader to be able to admit their mistakes?

Answer: A leader can hardly make mistakes. But if he or she feels it necessary to show that they may have made a mistake, then they must do it publicly and in a way that is considered a virtue.

Question: So, it is not a problem for a manager to show mistakes and weaknesses, but it is more difficult for a leader?

Answer: This is not a problem for a manager or a leader because all of us, as they say, walk under God, and everyone can make mistakes.

Question: Should a leader be able to take risks?

Answer: No. A leader must choose the kindest, most reliable path, because this is how they lead their flock to the highest goal, and they have no right to risk them.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/11/20

Related Material:
From The Heights Of Olympus
Reaching An Agreement With The Creator
A Desire Independent Of Anything

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