The Choice Is Voluntary, But The Steps Are The Same

laitman_565.01Question: Once upon a time in my childhood, my grandmother told me that every person is endowed with freedom of choice because he or she was originally created in the image and likeness of God.

I remembered that if I use the freedom of choice, it means that I am the creator of my destiny and my life. It turns out that I already have this program? Or is it just my choice?

Answer: No. Your only choice is to take a step forward, which you must take. Either you make it your free choice now or you will be given a couple of blows and you will still be forced to make it.

But everything is absolutely predestined. The only difference is whether we go voluntarily or under blows; the difference is in sensations, in states, in perceptions. But the steps are the same.
From KabTV’s “Together about Important Things” 7/14/20

Related Material:
Kabbalah—A Method Of Changing One’s Fate
Freedom Of Choice, Part 6
Karma Or Spiritual Development

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