Managing Stress, Part 8

80Causes of Stress

Question: Stress can be caused by various circumstances. However, the most terrible thing for a person is the stress caused by the rejection from society. Why?

Answer: It is because a person is entirely inside society. Therefore, when he feels that society rejects him, he has no reason to cling to life. He does not know where he will exist.

Question: What usually causes stress, the fact that a person is overly satisfied with life or feels empty?

Answer: Stress is caused by the fact that a person loses orientation. It does not matter from what state when one loses the ground under his feet, then he feels stressed.

Question: They say that loneliness causes stress. Can there be stress from excessive socializing?

Answer: Yes, sure! Even more than from loneliness. Loneliness, on the contrary, can suggest self-contemplation and calmness. However, when a person is amid the seething swirl of people, then he is affected by huge vibrations that can cause very strong stress.

Question: There are many different methods of dealing with stress. How can the stress from realizing the finite nature of life be prevented?

Answer: Not in any way. A person should just think about how life should end, whether he ends it correctly and well. In our psyche, there is a special condition that mutes the time when a person is parting with life, and he agrees to part with it. He agrees to fall asleep.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/25/20

Related Material:
Managing Stress, Part 7
Managing Stress, Part 6
Managing Stress, Part 5

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