Contradiction To The Laws Of Nature

laitman_962.3Question: The external manifestations of our incorrect relations cause a crisis. In the economy, this can be shown by such examples as throwing out huge amounts of food to keep market prices higher.

In the field of healthcare, only medicine that is profitable to the pharmaceutical industry is produced. In the field of ecology, the chemical industry annually produces hundreds of tons of inorganic products that pollute the atmosphere. That is, everything is dictated by someone’s profit without taking other people into account.

Don’t people understand that the laws of society are the same laws of nature as the physical laws?

Answer: People cannot touch them, cannot take them into account and implement them. If I don’t feel the limitations from a force, it doesn’t exist for me.

Question: How does the ideology of a consumer society contradict the tendency and laws of nature?

Answer: The point is that nature is integral. It doesn’t do anything in vain. For it, the beginning, middle, and end are states that are equally necessary and exist only to bring it to its best state.

In order for a person to do something, he needs to know the beginning and the end, to feel his full relationship with nature, to understand where he exists. This we do not have, and therefore, we focus only on our egoism.

But in fact, we must necessarily connect to nature, feel the greatness of the goal, and try to go along with it with all our force.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/7/20

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