Like A Plant After Rain

laitman_282.01Belief in the greatness of the Creator depends on the environment. If the environment constantly speaks of the greatness of the Creator and conveys the feeling that only this force exists and determines my whole future to me, that it alone rules in the world and in all reality, then this is how I will relate to it.

If the environment doesn’t convey such a feeling to me, I won’t be able to appreciate the Creator. Only if the environment treads on me by inspiring the greatness of the Creator and the need for His revelation can I awaken and continue my path along the path to understanding the Creator.

The only thing we lack is an environment that inspires us with the greatness of the Creator that constantly treads on me and awakens me. Beginners still receive the greatness of the Creator individually, but in the future it will increasingly depend on the environment. If the environment doesn’t take care of me, then I will fade. If it takes care of me, I will grow like a plant after the rain.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/19/20, Writings of Rabash, “The Main Thing We Need”

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