For Sublime Souls

627.2Question: There are private descents of a person and a general fall of a group. What is a general descent? What is it expressed in? Has there ever been such a thing?

Answer: Yes, there has been. Even Baal Shem Tov describes how he experienced a descent along with his servant. At that moment, he shouted to the servant: “Start reading something, say something!”

He could not do anything either because he had lost his spiritual level. Then Baal Shem Tov asked him: “Say at least what you remember!” The servant replied: “I only remember the alphabet.” Baal Shem Tov asked: “Say the letters of the alphabet!”

Can you imagine a descent of such great sages where they even forgot the alphabet? This is a complete shutdown.

Question: Now I understand why all these years people were not allowed to engage in Kabbalah. But, in my opinion, this should not happen today?

Answer: No, today it is generally unrealistic. Such special conditions were given only to very sublime souls. This is aerobatics, like a loop-de-loop for a pilot.
From Kab TV “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 3/27/19

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