My Articles In The Media, November 2018

In English:


How to Tackle Stress in a World With the Highest Stress Ever
Understanding the Midterm Elections from a Global Perspective
United March of the Parents of Europe
Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau’s Apology to German Jews Comes at Height of Anti-Semitism in U.S. and Canada
I Too Have A Dream… A World Free of Anti-Semitism
Younger people are less sexually active today. Why is that?
Fitness in the 21st Century: The Birth of a New Religion
Jewish Wisdom and the Next Renaissance in Europe


Understanding the Midterm Elections from a Global Perspective
United March of the Parents of Europe
The UN Partition Plan and the Rebirth of Israel: Where Are We Now?
Jewish Wisdom and the Next Renaissance in Europe


Understanding the Midterm Elections From a Global Perspective
To Thoughtfully Govern Leaders Must Rediscover the Family

The Times of Israel:

Sharp rise in anti-Semitism on “Kristallnacht” 80th Anniversary
Jews vs. Jews, Who Needs Anti-Semites? What the Pittsburgh Killings Uncovered
Why Israel Must Fight on Two Fronts
I Too Have a Dream… A World Free of Anti-Semitism
World’s 8 Billion Citizens Possess Seed of anti-Semitism
The UN Partition Plan and the Rebirth of Israel: Where Are We Now?
Jewish Wisdom and the Next Renaissance in Europe

Thrive Global:

Activating the network of human connection for good
The Secret to Freeing Yourself from the Shackles of Time
Fitness in the 21st Century: The Birth of a New Religion


Jews vs. Jews: Who Needs Anti-Semites?
Rise in Anti-Semitism on “Kristallnacht” Anniversary


How to Tackle Stress in a World With the Highest Stress Ever
Understanding the Midterm Elections from a Global Perspective
Jews vs. Jews, Who Needs Anti-Semites? What the Pittsburgh Killings Uncovered
United March of the Parents of Europe
I Too Have A Dream… A World Free of Anti-Semitism
Why Israel Must Fight on Two Fronts
The UN Partition Plan and the Rebirth of Israel: Where Are We Now?
Jewish Wisdom and the Next Renaissance in Europe
Fitness in the 21st Century: The Birth of a New Religion

Basic Income Earth Network:

Basic income should join forces with a “social network” revolution

In German:


Baum des Lebens Synagoge in Pittsburgh – ein Aufruf zur Einheit

In French:


Mieux vaut tard que jamais: Le premier ministre canadien présente ses excuses aux juifs refoulés en 1939
80e anniversaire de la ‘Nuit de Cristal’: En avons-nous vraiment tiré les leçons?

The Times of Israel:

Israël doit toujours se battre sur deux fronts

In Spanish:

Huffington Post Spain:

Cómo puede la conexión humana ayudar a aliviar la ansiedad y el miedo
Fuerte aumento del antisemitismo en el 80 aniversario de ‘Kristallnacht’


Entendiendo las elecciones legislativas de EEUU desde una perspectiva global
Profunda polarización política y social mientras gobiernan líderes sin hijos
Fuerte aumento del antisemitismo en el 80 aniversario de ‘Kristallnacht‘”
La historia del barco de Saint Louis nos recuerda en qué dirección debemos navegar
¿Por qué Israel debe luchar en dos frentes?
Yo también tengo un sueño…. Un mundo sin antisemitismo
Fundación del Estado de Israel, ¿qué hemos aprendido?

In Italian:

Huffington Post Italy:

Affrontare lo stress in un mondo con i livelli di stress più alti di sempre

Il Blog Di Beppe Grillo:

Reddito universale per una società migliore


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