My Thoughts On Twitter 6/26/18

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

“The Ideal Framework for a Happy Existence” - @laitman

I just published “The Ideal Framework for a Happy Existence

“I have eyes but I don’t see” the true perfect state. The Creator fills the whole world, everything exists in love and mutual complementation. To see this, one need not destroy anything, but criticize one’s own vision instead. I cannot see my own flaws yet.

We don’t know what’s harmful until we reach the end of the path. This is why we must be patient toward all manifestations of society. Many things seem unacceptable because we’re not yet corrected. Upon reaching correction, we will see how these qualities compensate for the flaws.

We mustn’t destroy even the most harmful tendencies, but rather correct their application for the benefit of all. Society changes its judgments. We mustn’t destroy, but only correct to the aspiration toward unity, for “love to cover all transgressions.”

The friends are my soul. I demand of the Creator to make us one whole, above the differences that are being revealed. Love will cover all transgressions. If there is sufficient hatred and love to cover it, the Creator is revealed between them.

The goal is reached through unity. The first phase in correction is love of friends, and above it the second phase is built: love of the Creator.
Love is mutual integration to the point where the two cannot be torn apart, the transformation into a single desire (Soul, Shechinah)
From Twitter 6/25/18

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My Thoughts On Twitter 6/25/18
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Newsmax: “Winds of Change: US Withdraws From UN Human Rights Council“

The largest portal Newsmax published my new article “Winds of Change: US Withdraws From UN Human Rights Council

When you have an international watchdog that seems to look obsessively in one direction, isn’t it a sign that there is an elephant in the room? The unprecedented move by the U.S. to withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council marks a turning point in a new global approach aimed at reaching balance and efficiency of the world’s monitoring bodies.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, champion of this new transformational approach in the diplomatic arena and representative of the vision of the current administration, was adamant in exposing why the decision was adopted: “For too long, the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers, and a cesspool of political bias. Regrettably, it is now clear that our call for reform was not heeded.”

The move is refreshing. It symbolizes the beginning of the end of the old world, characterized by the prioritization of the interests of a few at the expense of the majority’s interests. Winds of change have been ushered in by a new order of humanity’s increasing interdependence. And when it concerns a money-feeding machine such as the United Nations, which has a highly questionable record in resolving the world’s most pressing issues, such a change is necessary.

The UN busily singles out certain nations and turns a blind eye to others’ violations. According to UN Watch, from 2012 to 2015 a staggering 86 percent of resolutions adopted by the General Assembly were against a single country: Israel. Particularly, the Human Rights Council has been a key participant in this activity. Within a decade since its establishment in 2006, it has passed 135 resolutions criticizing countries, more than half of them against Israel.

As a paradox, many of the member countries evaluating human rights standards and lecturing others are ranked as “not free” by Freedom House: Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, China, Cuba, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.

The current state of affairs is leading us to rethink the relevance of international bodies for humanity’s betterment, as well as revise whether we should continue perpetuating the existence of organizations that primarily serve the interests of political and financial elites.

The good news is that there are signs of global transformation. The boundaries of international relations are becoming increasingly blurred, as we recently witnessed with the G7 Summit and in the meeting between the U.S. President and the leader of North Korea. Today, any meeting can be setup at any time according to need. There is no need for fabricated gatherings of representatives in a pluralistic guise.

Today’s interdependent world doesn’t require artificial representative bodies to help us get closer to each other. We ourselves can strengthen our solidarity and cause a fundamental change in our relations. When nations’ leaders and people in general realize the extent of our global interdependence, we will be able to make great strides toward a harmonious global society.

How? By establishing connection-enriching educational programs that would help us positively adapt to the new globally interdependent conditions. People ultimately need to learn how to accept, understand, and get along with everyone, as well as become influenced by an atmosphere of mutual understanding, support, awareness, and sensitivity. Such programs, guided by a “wisdom council” of people who have society’s best interests at heart, would then make it clear that the world’s bright future does not depend on the UN or any other actor on the international scene, but on the quality of human connections.

Double Citizenship

laitman_252After establishing himself in the spiritual world, a person transfers small portions of the King’s treasury from the old to a new state until he transfers it all. And although he does not see the fruit of his work, he tries to believe that he is working correctly.

The old home state is within me and within each of us. I took great care of it and accumulated a lot of property there—this is all my property, all of me; it is what gives me a feeling of life, of confidence. It all belongs to me and no one is allowed to touch it!

And suddenly, I decide that the most important thing for me is precisely what is outside my body, that is, other people, and I want to convey it to them. And then I begin to pull desires together with the fillings out of myself and pass them on to all the rest. I expect this to be my second state.

In carrying out this work, I begin to understand that in fact only the attitude I created in myself now with the help of the upper power and acting for the sake of what is outside of me is the only correct form of behavior.

It gives me freedom, allows me not to be attached to my desire to enjoy, not to live inside it, but to move into the desire for bestowal, to the stage of Bina. In this way we move from this world to the upper world.1
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/11/18, Lesson on the Topic: “Attacking the Connection”
1 Minute 46:30

Related Material:
Connection Between The Two Worlds
Existing In Two Worlds
A Kabbalist Is A Person Who Lives In Two Worlds

The New Age Of Adolescence

laitman_622.02In the News (BBC): “Adolescence now lasts from the ages of 10 to 24, although it used to be thought to end at 19, scientists say.

“Young people continuing their education for longer, as well as delayed marriage and parenthood, has pushed back popular perceptions of when adulthood begins. …

“There are also biological arguments for why the definition of adolescence should be extended, including that the body continues to develop.”

My Comment: I think we are faced with the phase of the inhibition of human development. Society has embraced an atmosphere in which people do not want to grow. They are comfortable without growing up; they want to remain as children.

We are on the threshold of a new world. The former incentives no longer work: a professional career no longer entices us and robotics threatens to end many specializations. In the coming decades, educational institutions will head into the virtual space, production will be automated, and the delivery of goods and services will be transferred to a network platform.

As a result, only a small number of people will be able to be engage in creative activities, developing something new. And what will happen with everyone else?

Adolescence can be extended up to the age of 40. What’s the difference? When a person finds something one can be useful at, then a person matures. And if not, then one will remain in their teens at a minimum wage.

Until recently, the age of active life lasted from the age of 15-20 years to 60-70. And now we have a long childhood and a long old age.

This is natural. When egoism grows, it is very difficult to exit it, to start doing something and somehow working with it. It is much easier to be absorbed with yourself through a computer and a smartphone, spending hours in your small room, knowing that your mother will cook something for you.

What is the solution?

The way out of adolescence is a desire for accomplishment. But in the modern world, this desire is weakening. For many, virtual reality toys are enough. People do not have any reason to grow up even in a simple, material sense.

On the other hand, they have time and the opportunity to understand that they are prisoners of their own egoism. It distracts them from what’s most important—the opportunity to rise above the ego’s operating system, to take control into their own hands, and find their purpose.

By discerning this, a person will finally come out of the kid’s room and find one’s purpose.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/23/18

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Teenage Depression
Our Children Are Growing Up With An Orphan Complex
A Generation Of Mature Kids

New Life #46 – Making Room For Love

New Life #46 – Making Room For Love
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz


We create common territory in our relationships when each one concedes his own egoistic nature and makes room inside himself for the demands of the other. We actually acquire the powers and abilities of other people when we make their desires more important than our own. It is worthwhile to try to elevate the mood of others because happiness opens their hearts. We can express our love by giving gifts without expecting anything in return.

Nevertheless, it is important to build balance between judgment and mercy. We must find the middle line between concessions to others and our own demands. Clearly show that you have a good attitude on condition that you get a reciprocal response. That is how we build unity, connection, relationships, and a family.
From KabTV’s “New Life #46 – Making Room For Love,” 8/1/12

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/26/18

Lesson Preparation

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic: “From Helplessness to Crying Out to the Creator” 

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Talmud Eser Sefirot,  Vol. 2, Part 6, Item 13

[media 5] [media 6]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Love of God and the Love of Man”

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 6/25/18

Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog
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My Thoughts On Twitter 6/25/18

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

How? By establishing connection-enriching educational programs that would help us positively adapt to the new globally interdependent conditions.
Read #Newsmax: Winds of Change: US Withdraws From UN Human Rights

When nations’ leaders and people in general realize the extent of our global interdependence, we will be able to make great strides toward a harmonious global society.

Today’s interdependent #world doesn’t require artificial representative bodies to help us get closer to each other. We ourselves can strengthen our #solidarity and cause a fundamental change in our relations.

The current state of affairs is leading us to rethink the relevance of #international bodies for humanity’s betterment, as well as revise whether we should continue perpetuating the existence of organizations that primarily serve the interests of political and financial #elites.

The unprecedented move by the U.S. to withdraw from the #UN #HumanRights Council marks a turning point in a new global approach aimed at reaching balance and efficiency of the world’s monitoring bodies.
Read my full article on @newsmax

What will prevent us from treating #Mars just as we treated planet Earth?
What if humanity’s next #frontier is a completely different #dimension of #existence?

Let us continue to renew our connection at every moment and open up a new world for ourselves. This is the wisdom of Kabbalah, and its revelation depends on us. Thank you! See full album: >>>>>>

Thank you for participating in the heart-warming Bnei Baruch event we held yesterday evening. You came from all over Israel. Together we experienced a warm connection that is the key to discovering the upper world, to entering a new spiritual perception. >>>>>>

The world is one’s expression through other people. Whatever you subconsciously disseminate in the #world, you feel from the world.
#life #consciousness

There’s nothing spiritual in our world! Our world is created only in order to bring us to the entrance to #spirituality, to inner unity. That is why everything in our world exists to bring us to the right attainment, that is “None else besides Him.”
#Spiritualwork_ML #Kabbalah

Evil is necessary for the existence of good. They exist in balance—it is the right relationship between cells, atoms, all creation, when consumption and bestowal are meant to complement each other so as to reveal the Creator in between.
#Spiritualwork_ML #Kabbalah

The good upper force needs a system of negative forces for correct governance, to give man free will. #Evil is a system of forces for determining the good. When you realize that it’s possible to attain the higher and the #eternal, #life becomes attainment of the goal.

A permanent ten gradually becomes a cozy nest.
But the safest and most protected space is infinitely open, when everything is in the Creator’s hands, who fills and actualizes everything. If you go with faith above reason, the protection comes in the Creator through the ten.
From Twitter, 6/25/18

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My Thoughts On Twitter 6/24/18
My Thoughts On Twitter 6/21/18
My Thoughts On Twitter 6/20/18

Not A Herd, But A Group

laitman_224Question from Facebook: All your advice is to stand out from everyone. It is very difficult. Staying “in the herd” makes life much easier. Maybe it is a herd, but it takes care of me, otherwise I am alone.

Answer: I believe that one should stand out by the fact that one helps everyone and feels responsible for everyone. You do not hide within them, but lead them, push them forward, hold them in your arms.

When every person “in the herd” feels such responsibility, then the quality of mutual guarantee appears and the higher management is revealed in it.

You feel your friends, you see that they are the same as you. That is, this is also “the herd,” the group, but already at the next level.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/1/18

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The Responsibility We Feel For One Another
Common “Flock” Of Humanity
The Strong Are Always At The Front

Builders Of The New World

laitman_260.01The goal of creation is the connection of all the creatures, the whole broken soul of Adam HaRishon. We need to reveal the scale of this breaking, its appearance, depth, and character. After all, it was not a lifeless stone that was broken, but a system built similar to the Light, HaVaYaH. The system was broken due to the fact that a desire was revealed inside of it that was against HaVaYaH, against the desire of the Creator, which was filling it.

The breaking occurred between two opposing forces—the only ones that exist in nature. Therefore, in order to make an attempt to connect, an attack on connection is required. After all, we are not ready to take even one step in its direction; something in the heart and in the mind prevents us from doing it. And we do not understand what we lack in order to achieve this.

There are such systems, forces, force fields that repel us, not allowing us to get closer to connection. The guards push us down when we try to climb the mountain of the royal palace. And we feel completely powerless. The desire has been awakened, but there is absolutely no power for its realization; there is lack of understanding and lack of perseverance. Each time there is a need to turn to the Creator, as it is written: “And the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage.” Until we oblige the Creator to finish this work for us and carry out the action of our connection.

The work is against the negative forces that the Creator wanted to reveal to us. As the advantage of the Light is revealed from the darkness, and in contrast to the negative force, we can uncover positive forces that already directly represent the power of the Creator: the power of unity, bestowal, and love. Then we create our first HaVaYaH from our side. HaVaYaH descends from above downward, and our HaVaYaH, on the contrary, rises from the bottom upward, and in this way, we complete each other. Having built the vessel for the first HaVaYa, we reveal the name of the Creator in all the worlds.

This is not just an attack on connection, but the construction of entire systems, the acquisition of additional desires, training along the way, finding out what hinders and what helps us. We must build a whole state, a new world. In fact, this is the only and the most important work that exists in all reality, and we are now trying to try to fulfill it in the framework of the last generation for the first time in history.1

There are only two systems, two forms, and neither exists without the other. “The benefit of the Light comes only out of the darkness,” but the benefit of the darkness is revealed by the Light. The good and evil always fight for a man until they complete each other. The duty of man is to reconcile them. Therefore, each of them is constantly growing relative to the other. The good cannot grow without increasing the evil, and the evil cannot grow without increasing the good, similar to electric current that flows only if there is a potential difference in the system: minus and plus. Only by working together on the common resistance between them can these forces manifest themselves.

Therefore, in nature there is no one single force. It is possible that the opposite force is hidden and not visible to us. But it is impossible to act with the single power of the good without the accompaniment of evil. And the power of the evil, too, will not be revealed alone. Wherever evil is revealed, the power of good always lies somewhere inside.

Our work is to bring these forces to revelation one relative to the other, to find out their opposition and the conditions under which they can connect and match each other. And then we can use both of these forces for one purpose.

The Creator does not send us any good force, or evil. But we, the creatures, can reveal Him only by using these two forces. We see the light only against the background of darkness, we feel the power of bestowal and love only in contrast to the power of reception and hatred. Therefore, we need to treat these two basics in the same way. In the end, we need to rise above the power of the evil and the power of the good, the force of receiving and the force of bestowal, the power of darkness and the power of Light, in order reveal the Creator above them and to give Him pleasure.

Therefore, it is impossible to prefer one force to the other in anything. Only when we are above both of them and do not relate ourselves to either of them is the right state.2
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/11/18, Lesson on the Topic: “Attacking the Connection”
1 Minute 0:20
2 Minute 19:30

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