The World At The Crossroads, Part 3


Question: Why are Nazis suddenly becoming active now?

Answer: Human society has reached such a state in its development where there are two paths before them. One way is to unite on the basis of egoism and hatred, which is expressed in national socialism and fascism. And then the whole society is divided into ranks: those who are higher and those who are lower. In this way, egoism sorts all of humanity.

And the Jewish people, as bearers of Abraham’s method, are polar opposite to fascism because their method is based on the path of correction, not the natural path of egoism. That is why Jews especially hate fascists.

The path of natural development leads to unification on the basis of Nazism until the time when all its terrible consequences are revealed. Or we can also unite with the help of the Light above egoism through Abraham’s method.

The world becomes integral and “round.” And humanity has two ways to achieve this form of a circle. One way is inside knowledge, that is, inside egoism, and this form is called Nazism. The other way is above knowledge, above egoism, according to Kabbalah’s method, meaning “by the path of Light.”

Fascism is revealed in order to make everyone understand the catastrophe to which this path leads and so that we begin to unite above egoism sooner or later.

History repeats itself until we correct it. Hitler and the Nazis in Germany had very high hopes for America, expecting that Nazism would continue to exist on its soil. After all, there were a lot of Germans among the founders of the United States. There was even a discussion about which language would be the official language in the USA: German or English. In the end, they chose English, but they had almost equal chances.

Question: How is the current state of things different from the 30 – 40s of the last century? Have we become smarter?

Answer: It does not seem that we have become smarter. Humanity does not learn from past mistakes at all, because the same egoism works within a person. But today we have an opportunity to spread the wisdom of Kabbalah and explain it, because already a lot of people are engaged in Kabbalah around the world.

Therefore, it is possible that we will be able to explain that the world is standing at dangerous crossroads and what can we do to save ourselves from destruction. Otherwise, the world condemns itself to terrible suffering and to a world war. And it will indeed be worldwide and not localized as in the last century.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/21/17, Lesson on the Topic: “Europe at a Crossroad”

Related Material:
The World At The Crossroads, Part 2
The World At The Crossroads, Part 1
We Must Not Allow Nazism To Take Over The World!

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