My Articles In The Media, September 26 – October 15, 2016

In English:

The Jerusalem Post:

What Jonah tells us about anti-Semitism
Why Tishrei means a new life


Beyond the Great Divide Between Israel and American Jewry
What Jonah Tells Us About Anti-Semitism
Absolute Truth Is Not Dead; It Never Existed!
Selichot (Forgiveness) and the Meaning of Life
European Jews Under Siege and Terrified

In German:

The Huffington Post:

Das Jahr der Veränderung
Wiewird man Israel los”, MittlerweilegestrichenerneuerKurs an der Berkeley Universität

In French:

The Times of Israel:

Ce que l’histoire de Jonas nous apprend sur l’antisémitisme
PourquoiTishreisignifieune vie nouvelle
Les juifseuropéensterrifiés

In Italian:


Lo que Jonásnos dice sobre el antisemitismo
Ebreieuropei: sotto assedio e terrorizzati
Judíoseuropeos: asediados y aterrorizados
Ebreieuropei: sotto assedio e terrorizzati
Antisemitismoistituzionalizzatoall’Università di Berkeley: fatti e dettagli
La scoperta di Merkel e Hollande: la UE stamorendo

In Spanish:

Unidos con Israel:

El año del cambio

The Huffington Post:

Hemoscrecido, pero ¿hemosllegado a seradultos?

In Chinese:

The Times of Israel:

Today is a Holiday – The Journal of a Spiritual Journey


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