The Crisis – Towards War

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Svobodanya Pressa): “The analysis of the options for resolving contradictions shows that today a new world order can only be built on one of the two models: the concept of the “golden billion” or civilizational harmony.

1. “The concept of the ‘golden billion’ is the world of civilizational hierarchies – the chosen ones who have defined themselves as the intellectual core of humanity, preserve and enhance the achieved consumption level by brutal exploitation of the rest of humanity, the number of which is artificially reduced to a minimum. Historical experience shows that the elite of egoistic civilization does not hesitate before sacrificing lives, if there is a guarantee of its own preservation in the bunkers.

2.  “Civilizational harmony (mutual support) – the goal of globalization is to develop all existing civilizations, conserving and expanding the ‘area of development’ for every nation and civilization, which is the basis of development of each of them and all of them together.

“A war will be fought for spiritual foundations on which a new world order would be built. It will be built either on individualism, egoism, suppression of one subject by the other, the principle of survival at the expense of others, or on community, the dominance of common interests of mutual survival and development, the principle of mutual survival through mutual support.”

My Comment: The choice of which way the development of humanity will advance to the revelation of the next level depends on the dissemination of the methods of the wisdom of connection, which brings the highest power of unity into our world and qualitatively surpasses all the egoistic forces of our material world. Although to the whole world, we look as an almost non-existent power, we are qualitatively higher than all the other forces acting in this world. Only striving to correction will avert the evil path of development.

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