Progress Along My Own Route

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Suppose that a lazy child grew up in our family. What does this indicate about the parents? What is the shortcoming or defect?

Answer: First of all, this indicates that the child has no motivation to move. He has no greatness of a goal that would make it worthwhile for him to get up, detach from his favorite computer he is sucked to, and to begin to get involved with something else.

Question: So is this is a shortcoming of the parent who didn’t develop other areas of interest in him?

Answer: Perhaps it is a mistake of the parents, and it could be that life itself doesn’t obligate the child to be involved in something else. Everything comes to him easily, both in school and at home.

In a case like this, it is necessary to behave according to a peg pulls another peg. So if he is lazy, you shouldn’t to force hobbies or other activities on him that compel him to run or do something with his hands; rather, give him to opportunity to progress specifically along his own route. He will sit behind that computer or with that tablet, but he will do something creative. Therefore it is said: (Proverbs 22:6), “Train a child according to his way.”

Incidentally, laziness is inherent in every person from the start. But there are people whose inner psychology is directed towards attaining everything without investing physical energy. From the side it seems to us that he is lazy, but essentially he is simply trying to solve his problems this way.

I don’t see anything bad in this. If people were to do fewer activities that are useless, it would be much better. Basically they carry out useless and even harmful work. So laziness is a very useful characteristic. It is only necessary to direct it in the right way.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 12/11/13

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