Levels Of Awakening

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe don’t have to imagine that spirituality is somewhere far away. It is said that we rise gradually through the first, second, third levels, etc. But these are potential levels, stages of our feelings and understanding.

The spiritual world is really here, but I see it according to the glasses I wear, according to my sensitivity. Suppose that I come to a lesson half asleep, but I begin to wake up. I can already hear a little of what they are talking about, so I open my eyes, and after this begin to wake up and become even more and more lively in all of my senses.

These are the spiritual levels: We awaken, become more sensitive, use all the tools more, and involve more perception of desires (Kelim). But in the Kelim (desires) nothing changes, so we need to appreciate the state we are in now. We need to sharpen our senses only slightly, and then we will feel the spiritual world.

We are in concealment and must dispel it. That is all! The problem is only in that it is against our ego, because it compels us to connect with others and work against our personal instinctive desires. If we grasp this principle, then it will become clear that this is very simple, concise, and specific.
From the preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/20/14

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