This Is The Center Of Correction

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Baal HaSulam published the paper HaUma (The Nation) in the 1940’s in which he warned about the approaching disaster. We are facing the same problems today. What does it mean to take them more seriously? What is lacking in our work?

Answer: We should simply do what Baal HaSulam says in the paper HaUma and in the article “The Last Generation.” It’s the same method, the same connection, and we just need to do the same things.

You worry about what will happen to a billion and a half Chinese. I cannot say, but I know that half a million Jews can do the work for the whole world. So I worry about dissemination in Israel first. If we succeed here, things will work out in the world.

The correction, which means the connection, must first take place in the Israeli nation. Then it will spread to the rest of the world. We are in the general network of connection between the shattered souls, and if we correct ourselves, not even the whole nation but just a part that corrects itself a bit in the connection between us, the force of connection will already spread among all the nations and will bring everyone to correction.

We must take everything that happens very seriously and leave everything but dissemination, studying, and the spiritual work. Dissemination is very important. Judging by how the world is approaching the path of in its time, the path of sufferings, we have to make greater efforts in order to put it on the path of I shall hasten it, the path of the Light.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/17/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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