Entering A Complicated World In A Complicated Way

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Ari didn’t write his books by himself. It was his student Rav Chaim Vital who wrote them. This story is very reminiscent to The Book of Zohar, which disappeared and then was discovered in a very strange way. The same thing happened with the works of the Ari.

They were written, but there was no one who could edit them. Only Rav Chaim Vital’s grandchildren managed to edit his writings. They took them out of his grave where they had been hidden in a crate and buried. It’s actually an adventure story, a treasure hunt.

Question: Why are there so many events that we don’t understand and such confusion when it comes to the writings of great Kabbalists, with The Book of Zohar, with the writings of the Ari?

Answer: It was specifically arranged that way to bring them to an adapted world. The world is confused and the writings of Kabbalists are also confused. If we could see the forces that operate in this world and manage it by our egoistic reactions, we would understand that bringing the spiritual knowledge into our world is only possible in this strange and incomprehensible manner.

The writings of the Ari were buried in the grave of Rav Chaim Vital. Then they were taken out and kept in a crate in some house in Tzfat. It was only several decades later that they were taken out of the crate. If they couldn’t be revealed by the father, then they were revealed by the son or the grandson or by one of the pupils.

The writings must be adapted so that they would be suitable for the world: through a certain soul, through a certain event, by a certain concealment in a certain period. It seems strange, but if we could see the system, we would understand that the Upper Light that comes closer to the vessels arranges everything this way in order to gradually bring this knowledge into the world.

It’s impossible to enter our confused world, this mess, the terrible egoistic state in this world, the total lack of spirituality, in any other way but by revealing and concealing these writings and then revealing them again ages, maybe even two thousand years later. It is a matter of adaptation. The main law here is the adaptation between the Light and the vessels.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/17/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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The ARI, Rav Isaac Luria: The Godly Man
Remembering The ARI
“Nourished” By The Teaching Of Baal HaSulam And Rabash


Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Are there people who have already sensed the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth millenniums?

Answer: There are quite a few souls who have achieved these states. For example, according to what Baal HaSulam writes, he also belongs to these souls. Meanwhile we are obliged to achieve this in mass because we have come to a state when all parts of the broken soul begin their complete correction.

Kabbalists of the past ingrained themselves in the soul as elements which have completed their preparation. They made their correction in every main part of the common soul. Now we have to add our part to theirs by filling the common soul with smaller and mass corrections.

Kabbalists of the past regenerated the main organs of the spiritual organism. Let’s say these are heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs. Now that this work is completed the whole organism has to gradually revive and connect to these organs. We are this organism which is gradually coming back to life.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book,” 10.10.13

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A Generous Heart

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Torah, “Exodus” (VaYakhel), 35:4-35:6: And Moses spoke to the entire community of the children of Israel, saying: “This is the word that the Lord has commanded to say: ‘Take from yourselves an offering for the Lord; every generous hearted person shall bring it, [namely] the Lord’s offering: gold, silver, and copper; and blue, purple, and crimson wool; and linen and goat hair…

Our heart is the ego. But when a certain inclination to bestowal, connection, and love appears in a heart and it understands that it’s impossible to go on living egoistically, it’s called a generous heart.

Today we have already realized through suffering that we should somehow change humanity: our nature, society, the connections between us, because the world has already developed and has suffered enough in order to feel disappointed with its current egoistic evolution. Therefore, the word “generous,” in the spiritual sense, means “to give.” A generous heart is the recognition of our egoistic nature and working above it.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/10/13

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He Whose Heart Is Broken
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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 03.27.14

Shamati #2 “Divinity in Exile”

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The Book of Zohar — Selected Excerpts, “Bereshit-1

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Talmud Eser Sefirot, Vol. 6, Part 15, “Histaklut Pnimit,”  Item 37

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “This Is for Judah”   

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 03.26.14

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The Second Coming Of LSD

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Russian Bazaar): “Almost a hundred people in the US became victims of unauthorized LSD: some crashed cars into concrete walls, others jumped from windows of high-rise buildings, the third interrupted lessons in schools and colleges with inappropriate behavior etc.

“The press quickly spread the news about the poisoning. A new wave of popularity of LSD among young people can turn into huge costs in healthcare and can radically change tactics in fighting against illegal drugs.

“Fifty years ago, a hallucinogenic drug became an integral part of youth subculture. Unlike cocaine, heroin and marijuana, it transported a person into a completely different reality. People claimed that they allegedly began to see with the eyes closed, read minds, predict the future and even change the past, etc.

“There was a time when some scientists did not condemn, but welcomed the use of LSD as a ‘means of expansion of consciousness.’ It was only towards the end of the 70s that this drug craze began to subside.

“The drug industry experiences a crisis. Marijuana today is allowed in 20 states and does not cause much interest on the part of young people. The internal state of the youth in the 80s matched cocaine; those who lived in the depressed and rebellious 90s loved heroin; the generation of the 2000s did not make their choice of drugs, and those who live now want to find something that will completely change their outlook.

“The interest in LSD is obvious. Today, even the most successful teens are depressed because of oversaturation of the market with goods and services. They do not aspire to anything, but deep down they want to find something that will entice them.

“Unlike marijuana, heroin and cocaine, the production and transportation of LSD does not cause great difficulties – it is liquid, which in microscopic doses is dropped on a piece of paper. Therefore, to carry across the border 100,000 ” stamps ” is much easier than 100,000 tablets, cigarettes or dose of powder.

“Cartels will flood the U.S. market with LSD in the second half of 2014; they have already started a marketing campaign. Most likely, the LSD will move among the higher strata of society.

“LSD will not compete with marijuana or heroin; LSD takes its market segment. Cartels are already resigned to the fact that marijuana will soon be legalized in the USA, and potent products of pharmaceutical companies will replace heroin and cocaine.”

My Comment: People experience a burning desire to find meaning, passion, and purpose. Drugs give a false sense of “flight,” soothe, and distract. But as an infatuation with them took place in the past, it will pass this time as well, because our nature, egoism, is constantly evolving and requires a more precise answer to the question about the meaning of existence, the revelation of its true purpose: the transition to the level of eternity and perfection.

Our dissemination will help us go through this period faster and occupy humanity with the true task: the transition to the next level of existence.

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A Spiritual Revolution Throughout The World

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe are making an educational and spiritual revolution throughout the world! This is the task that stands before us, and there is nothing to hide. The world requires this and expects it. But for this we need to prepare ourselves for an educational, ideological, and spiritual world revolution.

Revolutionaries were never afraid of going out to the people and disseminating their ideas in all kinds of ways, even privately. Here everything is determined by the importance of the goal.

This revolution that must happen now in the world really touches the foundations of the world in such a way that the whole world will shake. This is not some kind of change in order, from one egoistic foundation to another egoistic foundation: from feudalism to capitalism and from capitalism to socialism. It’s not just the person and his society that are being changed here, rather it is nature itself: the still, vegetative, and animate, they are also being changed. We can’t imagine to ourselves what (Isaiah 11:6) “the wolf shall live with the lamb” means. These are new and completely different orders in nature. And all this is happening thanks to a change in the person.

We don’t understand the scale of the changes. Everything will be changed, including the DNA. It’s impossible even to imagine what will happen within matter itself. So we are standing before a diverse revolution that is unparalleled in history. So if we are ready for this, this is excellent. We will gradually begin and advance from the easy to what is heavier and heavier, until the true picture of the revolution that is about to happen is revealed to us. This is not just some kind of improvement with the goal of appeasing the world for which it is now bad and from this it will be better; rather, this is a global revolution.
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/14

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Ranking Sensitivity From Zero To Infinity

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What does it mean that everything changes according to the Light that arrives and illuminates?

Answer: According to the effort that a person gives, he becomes more sensitive to the characteristic of bestowal, and through this he receives new stimulation and feelings from the spiritual world, from his spiritual state. For nothing exists besides the world of Infinity.

We are facing the world of Infinity and develop our sensitivity towards it. I give effort to “polishing” myself and to raising my sensitivity by one level. In this way I already begin to see inside some kind of space within this world of Infinity. I begin to identify things, characteristics, and according to the effort that I made, I feel and identify connections.

As a result of my effort, the Light comes and reforms me; I become more sensitive to that system in which I exist. I simply don’t feel it now. I am only sensitive to the information that I receive through my five animal senses because I am living within my animal body and I don’t feel anything more.
From the 3rd part of the the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/23/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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A Formula For Focusing The Picture

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: When we read The Zohar it sounds like music, but at the same time I try to understand the meaning of the words and not to forget the right intention. However, it is impossible to remember everything at once. So what is most important?

Answer: While listening to the pleasant voice of the reader and enjoying the music of The Zohar, it is most important to keep thinking about my own problems, which means to keep thinking about how I can reach the love of friends where I can feel something towards the Creator.

The Zohar tells us about what was revealed to people who managed to connect. It is very simple: When you connect somehow you suddenly hear; it is as if you have caught a radio wave and you suddenly see it. These are the two levels of attainment: Hassadim and Hochma, and they write about what they see.

This is how The Book of Zohar was written. Now we have to try to connect between us just like they did in order to see what they see.

We now see a very special form on the level of this world with our corporeal heart and mind. It is the form of the infinite shattering. We have to try to reveal the dependence of our attitude to the society, the Creator, and this picture. This means that I want to see how my perspective of the world and of the way I feel the world changes by changing my attitude towards the society and the Creator with an increasingly stronger connection.

I want to find the formula of how to connect more strongly, to yearn for the Creator, the mutual guarantee, to make efforts during the study to reveal the force that is between us and the whole world, to reach a certain level, and reveal a new form to us.

We have to start working on it in practice. The Zohar brings us to that by showing us states and events in which we should understand what the authors of The Zohar have revealed: People sitting in a cave in the second century BC, after the destruction of the Temple, when the land of Israel is desolate and everyone is in an awful state, and still they reach such high levels of spiritual attainment.

See the levels they write about: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, about all the states until the end of correction; it is all the revelation of hatred and the revelation of adhesion.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/17/14, The Zohar

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The Mighty Power Of Unity

Dr. Michael LaitmanNothing will be easy, everything will seem impossible if a person sees from the power of his individuality and not from the power of the group. If a person knows how to go out to every activity equipped with the power of the group, then there will be no difficulty for him!

Therefore it seemed to us that we couldn’t do anything in the world, and we began to complain about our weakness and inability. Everyone looks inside himself and thinks: “How will I do this?!” Certainly he cannot do anything alone. But if he relies on the power of the group, then he no longer needs to do anything. If we connect and make one step towards the goal, then we have already attained it. Our work is not in attaining the goal; rather, it is in preparing the Kli that will be ready to receive it.

It is very important to determine what the goal is, the way and the steps towards it. But the approach must be like this, that we attain everything only with the power of connection. And our problem is that each one looks out from himself: “How will I carry this out, how will I turn to people, how will I convince them?”

We cannot evade and escape dissemination; we cannot be closed within four walls and only study. The world demands our full participation and evading this obligation destroys everything.

If a person comes and says that he is not able to succeed in some dissemination activities, this indicates that he is not with the group at all. All of his explanations about his lack of success are not important at all, there is only one reason: he doesn’t include the power of the group.

It makes no difference who the person himself is, what his characteristics are, where he is going, with whom he speaks, or what he does, the main thing is, does he have the power to integrate into a group or not? It is only our power of unity that is active.
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/14

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