The Future Is In Integration With Nature

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If we all form one system, then how can the human, being its inseparable part, make mistakes and violate its laws?

Answer: The fact is that a person is now connected to it like a baby. Adults take care of him and give him a slightly higher degree so that he would begin to integrate into it, to evolve, to connect, and to see how much he can match it, how much benefit or harm he brings it.

Only in our time are these mechanisms finally manifested: We are harming the world and it responds so much so that our very existence is threatened. Environmental hazards today are such that humanity with all its history can disappear from the face of the Earth that can no longer bear it. We ourselves cause the extinction of plant and animal species and suddenly we find ourselves on the same list. Moreover, one global war is sufficient to end civilization even before ecology would do this.

The conclusion is that if we do not learn from nature, meaning from the general system, the correct integration into it, we come into conflict with it and to an unpleasant end.

Question: The problem is that if a person comes face to face with a steadfast system that is stronger than he, then at some point he raises his arms: “Come what may…”

Answer: That’s right; today a person feels helpless and doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know because he is incapable of understanding the world, feeling it correctly, making the right decision, and most importantly, realizing it correctly.

That’s why Kabbalists, sages, come to our world. They are also part of the general system. And apparently, no matter how many of them appear, the world does not need more. After all, people still need to be given freedom of will to ensure the realization of evil; they have to be brought to their own decision whether to join those sages or not.

It turns out that the world has a chance, provided by the system as well. And this opportunity is us the world organization Bnei Baruch. In the framework that we were given, we are obliged to act, sparing no efforts, so that everyone in the world would know upon what his good future depends.

A “good future “is the correct inclusion in the system of nature. If we do not violate its laws, the conditions set by it, we will be fine. If I judge wellbeing on the basis of my egoism, then I behave like a small child who doesn’t want to listen to adults.

Anyway, being in the general system, I cannot choose their laws according to my taste. Either I am against nature and in helplessness follow the path of suffering, or I study the laws of nature in order to associate myself with it and move forward by the good path, drawing from nature forces which are useful for my advancement.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/28/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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