Don’t Avoid Going To The People

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Must we look at the feedback of people, for instance when disseminating on the Internet; or is it enough simply to prepare the material?

Answer: It’s necessary to look not only at the feedback of people on the Internet, but also these people in front of you, physically, and their serious reaction to your message. Only then do you begin to be integrated in their desires.

You subconsciously flee from being integrated with the rest of the world all the time, you weaken yourselves. Ultimately it follows that you will not absorb anything from the general desire, from the fear, from the desires of people; you don’t experience feedback from them. In fact, it won’t matter to you what hurts them. So nothing will happen.

In which desires do you think you will discover the Creator? It’s said, “I dwell within My people.” Where are the people? In you? In general you are detached from people. You don’t belong to this world. Those people who have an inclination and yearning for the Creator don’t belong to this world. They are physically found in our world in order to come in contact with the others. But according to their inner structure they belong to the spiritual world.

Therefore you need to go out to the people, mix with them, and feel their desires. And you raise these desires up to the Creator. These are called MAN. MAN is the elevation of the desires of the people through you to the Creator.

And so you will transfer fulfillment from the Creator to others through you, and the people will receive what they want: health, success, and all that they require. And together with this, you will get spiritual Light. For by passing through you, the Light will be realized both in your desires and in the desires of the people.

But if you don’t accept the most primitive and egoistic yearnings from the people, you won’t have anything to elevate. If you want to elevate something from yourselves, then you are still big egoists even more than the people. You won’t get anything!

Question: What is the difference between MAN for the friends and MAN for the nations of the world?

Answer: The difference is very great. MAN for the friends is the creation of the Kli, vessel, and MAN for the nations of the world is its realization, the action.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/25/13, Question and Answers with Dr. Laitman

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