Responsibility For What Emerges From The Egg

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If all of my states are determined by the upper force, where is my responsibility for bad deeds?

Answer: I cannot change the state I’m already in. I prepared this state with the Creator like His partner. I had an opportunity to prepare myself so that the state approaching me now would have manifested in a better form, but I didn’t do that.

The present state itself cannot be changed already. It is the natural end result of all the previous conditions that I certainly could have influenced.

I could put an egg under a hen, I could put it in the sun, or I could put it in an incubator and accordingly, I will get results determining the speed of my development and my attitude. Everything will be different!

But when I find myself in some situation, it is already too late to do something about it. Having acted according to the principle of “if I am not for myself, then who is for me” and in the end, recognized that “there is none else besides Him,” I received this outcome. I make the most out of this and realize from the start I had to reach a state like this.

So, if everything is already established from the start, where is my free choice? But only having justified my present state as correct and already established from the start, since “there is none else besides Him,” can I decide what to do next and say: “If I am not for myself, then who is for me.”

“If I am not for myself, who is for me” is the period when I am acting and working as if the Creator is not next to me, since I don’t know where He is, this is hidden from me. But why do I need to act like this? If I make the right effort, then ideally I will accept the entire state revealed to me as coming from the upper force, from “there is none else besides Him.”

Working like this, I prepare my perception for the coming states. The Creator can reveal a state for me that today seems simply terrible. But after the preparation that I do now, working according to the principle of “if I am not for myself, then who is for me,” I will accept this state as the manifestation of absolute goodness of the Creator, which benefited me. This will be my reward at the conclusion of a “complete workday.”
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/17/13, Writing of Rabash

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