The “School” Of Jethro

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why did Moses need to spend forty years with Jethro, the priest of Midian? What does this mean in the spiritual sense?

Answer: Jethro, as well as Abraham’s father Terah, was a priest, an expert in all the religions and idols, which is to say, a servant of his ego. In particular, if Terah had listened to his son Abraham, then they would have worked together and they could have begun the correction of the world. But this was impossible without the Egyptian exile, the exodus, and the reception of the Torah because a person needs to immerse completely into the ego. Therefore Terah was against Abraham, and Abraham was forced to flee from him, away from Babylon.

Moses, like Abraham, is a completely different level: He already was in the ego, passed through all of this stage and left Egypt. The forty years that he spent with Jethro, as it were, their mutual union, a connection through the Jethro’s daughter Zipporah, Jethro’s ego, who gave birth to children, meaning the next level. This is all the combination of the egoistic Jethro and the altruistic Moses within a person.

Moses passes through a process that toughens him from a stage with the ego in order to return again to Egypt, into the depths of the ego. Thus, only Jethro could teach Moses and the people of Israel how to work with that ego that was beginning to be discovered. Therefore the weekly Torah reading called “Jethro” begins from after the exodus from Egypt, when it’s necessary to begin to correct the Egyptians, the entire ego of the person, and Jethro takes his daughter Zipporah, her and Moses’ children, Jethro’s grandsons, and comes to Moses.

In other words, the time comes when these characteristics begin to rise within a person and show how to proceed. For now the entire ego that departed from Egypt (the vessels that were taken out of Egypt), slowly, gradually begin to rise within the people, and that means that Moses needs to judge the people.

To judge means to explain where the characteristics of bestowal are, where the characteristics of reception are, with what perspective it’s necessary to act and join above ourselves in order to discover our connection to the next level, the Creator. That is, the right mutual cooperation is required here. But where is this hierarchy in this egoism?

The characteristic of bestowal is about to expand: expansiveness of soul, an open heart. It’s dispersed over the surface of the area like water. And the ego works continually in a vertical manner. And these two parameters are as if not integrated together.

Therefore Jethro says to Moses: “You need to construct another system, in the form of a pyramid, to divide your whole ego into parts, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands. You need to return to the state when you entered Egypt, twelve brothers. Thus you also exit there, the same twelve tribes, like twelve streams, lines. But in every one of them you need to calibrate yourselves according to the egoistic levels. Therefore for every level there must be its own hierarchy: its own laws, managers, and subordinates. You now work not just in order to bestow and to love, you work with the ego that is needed on that level with a quality that is possible to correct.

If Moses hadn’t gone through this school with Jethro, if he hadn’t connected with the ego and hadn’t begun working with it a little, then when he returned to Egypt, he wouldn’t have been able to stand against Pharaoh, he would have had no contact with him. For before then, Moses simply fled from Pharaoh after a confrontation with him.

And now he returns to Egypt, that is, he turns again to his ego and says to Pharaoh: “I need to take my people (the characteristics of bestowal) away from you.” In addition, he takes from him the huge ego that must later be corrected over the course of forty years in the wilderness. But he could not do this if the characteristic of bestowal in a person had not been connected in the beginning with the egoistic system called Jethro.

And Jethro takes from Moses the method of working with the ego and returns to his people in order to teach it to them. We see how a constant mutual connection of the two characteristics takes place within a person. And this is the system of correction.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 3/11/13

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