A Goldmine Of Good Relationships

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: You gave an example that in an integral society while I pour a cup of tea for myself, I first have to make sure that everyone else has tea. How should I understand this?

Answer: I gave the example that half of the world is dying from hunger, while the other half is throwing away two-thirds of what they are consuming. So why should we live in such a world? Isn’t this where the terror comes from, all other problems and wars, the senseless waste of energy, pollution of nature?

Question: But now, if I want to drink a glass of water, how should I act correctly, according to your example?

Answer: Let’s study how to be concerned with each other within our group. Afterward, we will move from the group to the nations, and will begin to build relationship systems between them, which will allow us to progress toward a more balanced life.

Obviously, if you are pouring a glass of water for yourself, then you will ask those around you if they want a drink. You will not go passing out water on the street. The water will get there due to the fact that we will build special systems for this.

But I want them to be there! After some small changes occur within me, some understanding attained through the course, and after practical studies, I agree that the society must become more balanced and reach a more or less similar standard of life.

As a first stage, let’s arrange for everyone to have a necessary set of things: X, Y, Z. We will set an objective so that in five years we provide everyone with a roof over their heads, a full provision of clothes, food, and everything that is necessary for the home.

We provide all of this on the basis of surplus, because if you make the calculation it will turn out that we have 90% above what we need. If I love you, then you can come and take half of the clothes in my wardrobe. Believe me, I won’t be sorry. Or, I could take 10% less salary for the sake of someone else and I also would not feel sorry.

Such systems need to be built on government and world scales, but not by force, not under compulsion, but by preliminary education. The Bolsheviks once tried to impose this by force, and everybody knows what came of that. That is why first people need to be educated in order to gain their support for what we are doing.

Each time we have to demonstrate the positive results we are reaching: where the rich who are sacrificing for others are, where the poor who are receiving are, how balanced everything is, and how happy everyone is. Thanks to mutual care, we will be able to get rid of the surpluses nobody needs. We will stop producing thousands of needless medicines, which are now being produced by someone for the sake of their own profit, and are poisoning humanity.

Why should we throw away such huge sums on arms, the military, and much more? There are numerous things that we will have to correct now that we have reached this new era. We will not be able to continue this way. The crisis will lead us to such a state that we will have to tighten our belts. We will not have the means to support the excess, egoistic systems we have built. That is why they are being hit by the crisis and are beginning to break down.

We have to show this together: what harm is done to us as a result of the lack of care for each other and what treasure is revealed before us thanks to our good relationships, a goldmine of good relationships.

However, first of all, integral education is necessary. The whole point is not to redistribute the surplus and offset the shortages. The point is that there is an internal tendency, which exists and has brought us to the necessity of uniting. The network, which connects us all, is being revealed; it obliges us to be in kind relationships.

For this reason, the common global crisis is occurring on all levels of our activities in everything that connects us with each other. The crisis is the lack of correct connections between people. This is the explanation for all of the separate crises: in the family, education, culture, in everything, and now the economy. Because of the wrong connections between us, we are all suffering.

These crises, that is, the external connections between us, will not improve until we sincerely invest in them and build trust in each other. Only then will we be able to develop the systems which will lead us to balance.

We see that there is a global, integral form being revealed in our external world as well as in our internal states. Meaning, we have nowhere to run. It is not in vain that we have entered into this crisis; we no longer are to develop simply under the pressure of nature.

Now we have entered such a situation that as long as man does not think about and discover his evil, decide that he must change, and see it as a choice between life and death, until that happens, he will not agree to a new education. He has to see that there is no way out and that he needs to educate himself in a new way and to build new systems.

Then he begins to search, what can help him with this? At this point, everyone must have their say: the psychologists who will advise working through a group, sociologists, political scientists, pedagogues, educators, and sports trainers. We need to build such systems so that a person begins to understand the need for change based on knowledge gained and he or she knows how to realize the changes practically. For this purpose it is necessary to provide a place for education.
From KabTv’s “A New Life” Episode 6, 1/3/12

Related Material:
Seven Billion Cups Of Tea
Introductory Lecture: The Mutual Guarantee
Economics Done By The Balance Formula

One Comment

  1. Intention to reach the goal or our actions toward achieving it, which will bring us closer to spirituality? Actions without the right intention are they good actions (Lo Lishma)? Are such actions taken into account at all? Will Intention (kli) without actions be taken into account at all? Who makes such determinations, is it the individual, the group, or the teacher? If we as individuals differ on our conclusions where do we attain harmony? Do we reject our own discernment in these matters in favor of the group? Is there room for a difference of opinion among individuals within the group? Must we always come to conses, or should we be embracing our differences? Are we individually on the path to spirituality, that once we obtain it we will be open and accepting to all contrasting views and actions, or are we tied at the hip to the group?

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