My Spiritual Resources

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The students of Rabbi Shimon hated each other in the beginning of their studies, but still they aspired to achieve unity. With experience, a person learns to view himself objectively, even when he’s in a state of hatred. Is it possible that the hatred could blind a person’s analytical point, or does his objective view always remain?

Answer: This depends on the state. Sometimes the emotions take us over, leaving no room for analysis. This is when we are capable of doing terrible things. And sometimes emotions are balanced by the mind, and I remain in control of the situation only to be amazed at my own emotions. In addition, I could also be aware that the current state is sent to me by the Creator. The upper force is the source of this state, and it is sent to me in order to advance me along the path.

Hence, everything depends on our awareness. How can we activate it today? Can we constantly remember that all of our states come from Above so that we would correctly overcome them and draw benefit from each one of them?

We can attain this state only through mutual responsibility thanks to which we maintain a connection with the environment or the group. If I’m constantly under the influence of my environment and I invest my effort whenever I’m able to, then I can constantly receive from my friends an illumination, the Surrounding Light. The greater our connection, the more Light I receive from them, whereas on my own I have absolutely no chances of achieving anything.

To the extent of my ability I participate in all of the group’s activities. If I don’t have the opportunity to do so, for example, if I wasn’t given the opportunity from Above to go to the convention, then regrettably I remain home with the understanding that this state was given to me by the Creator, and therefore it’s probably the optimal state for my development.

Most importantly, you should use each moment to ensure a proper environment for yourself. After all, what happens in the next moment is concealed from me.

In our world a person makes payments for health insurance, to social security, and other private insurances in order to secure his future. Whatever happened in the past happened, but we are always concerned with what will happen in the future. To the extent of my ability, I have to ensure that the future is better or at least not worst than the present. This means that I must remain in the correct environment and strengthen it if possible.

I have no other options. Unlike in the modern financial system, here we have no concessions: You get exactly what you put in. I invest penny by penny into my environment and receive the Light from it. Essentially, it is the Malchut of the world of Infinity. This is my cash register, and there is no other place for me to invest.

This explains the importance of dissemination. After all, by disseminating you invest into your environment; it is your broader, albeit still potential, environment. These efforts are also accounted for.

Ultimately my work creates “assets” (Zchut) that are registered in my spiritual “bank.” To the extent of my investment, I receive the Light from the group and become more pure (Zach).
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/30/2011, “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose”

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One Comment

  1. Let us be mindful of our environment at every moment … to reveal the greatest amount of light in every experience … “There is none else besides him” … But together we can speed it up the revelation!

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