How To Spend Your Free Time

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Many
 families dedicate their free time to doing things like shopping together. What should people do if they get a lot of free time in the future?

Answer: Of
 course there will be a big difference between that and what is happening today.

Today a person works five to six days a week. He is so busy that he has 
no time left to dedicate to his home. He spends weekends doing work around the
 house and shopping. Where else is he to spend his time but malls and
 supermarkets? This is how a modern person spends his leisure time instead of engaging in cultural

However, all these elements of behavior will wither away; we are already seeing this in practice. All of it will be overtaken with completely
 different activities. A person’s inner states will prevail because they will 
determine a person’s external activities.

We see how people in our groups strive to communicate: reading, discussions, with various games, music, and theater. In other words, all the groups 
that are in different places suddenly begin to create amongst ourselves a great cultural
 environment. They want to do theater, write songs and music; there is a big 
creative process going on. And we can see that this appears naturally in them, based on an inner need.

I think that what will occupy people most is their aspiration to 
express themselves as much as possible in every way of human expression, to show
 their new, inner harmony, the connection between them. As the person rises above 
himself, the transformation he is experiencing will find its expression, and 
the solution is specifically in this new culture in its various forms.

I even see this in the example of young children, who grab a toy
 guitar and wish to express themselves this way. Of course the guitar attracts them 
because they imitate the adults, but they also want to express themselves. And 
they try.
Talk on Integral Education 12/12/2011

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