A Global “World-Country”

Opinion: Martin Wolf (chief economics commentator at the Financial Times, an honorary fellow of the Oxford Institute for Economic Policy): Consider the biggest obstacle to a more even spread of global prosperity and the provision of essential global public goods: not global economic integration or transnational companies, as critics allege, but the multiplicity of independent sovereigns. It is not just the failure of states, but their existence, that creates the problems we now confront.

Inequality among individuals has exploded over much of the past two centuries, not because of increased inequality within countries, but because of the divergent growth of different societies. …If so, not only the absolute, but even proportionate, gaps in average living standards between the richest and the poorest countries in the world will continue to grow.

What then lies behind such massive divergences in performance? A large part of the answer, as we have seen, is cumulative historical forces causing divergence. As countries grow richer, they are better able to afford high standards of education, health and public services. …Meanwhile, at the opposite end of the spectrum from success to failure, societies seem stuck in an equally powerful vicious cycle. Very low standards of living mean correspondingly limited ability to provide any of the necessary public goods that underpin economic growth.

Consider then a world in which the US was not one of the world’s countries, but a global federation with equal voting rights for all. Far greater resources would then flow to the poorer regions of this imaginary “world-country,” to finance infrastructure, education, health and the machinery of law and order. …While everybody should be better off if countries combined to provide global public goods, it is normally in the interests of individual countries to let others bear the cost.

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Kabbalists On The Nature Of Man And The Nature Of The Creator, Part 9

Dr. Michael LaitmanDear Friends, please ask questions about these passages from the great Kabbalists. The commentaries in brackets are mine.

The Superiority of Man to the Beast

After all the research, we find no advantage of man’s form over the beast except for the awakening towards Godly Dvekut (adhesion). It follows that the whole meaning of humanity’s existence is evaluated by the strength of man’s aspiration to the Creator, and in that, he is superior to the beast.

This is why it is written, “a wild ass’ colt is born a man.” And as the beastly desires necessary for his sustenance arise in man, so do the human desires need to awaken in him necessary for the fulfillment of his purpose. And the type of desires helps us discern who stands before us: still a beast or already a human, meaning he who craves similarity to the Creator.
– Baal HaSulam, “This Is for Judah

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Kabbalists On The Nature Of Man And The Nature Of The Creator, Part 8
Kabbalists On The Nature Of Man And The Nature Of The Creator, Part 7
Kabbalists On The Nature Of Man And The Nature Of The Creator, Part 6

Weekly Torah Portion – 06.27.11

The Book of Zohar, Weekly Torah Portion “Parashat Ha-Shavua,” Selected Excerpts
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A Deficiency Deriving From Excessive Perfection

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Does the Creator really need the created beings? It would be more reasonable to say that only we need Him, wouldn’t it?

Answer: If the Creator didn’t need the creatures, why would He create them in the first place? And yet, due to the fact that He is good who does good, He made the created beings in order to please them since that is what pleases Him! That is, the upper one has a “deficiency” as well, but it is not egoistic: The Creator desires to bestow.

It is written: “More than the calf wants to suckle the cow wants to feed.” Otherwise, whom would I bestow to if He doesn’t need anything from me? He has an enormous desire: He desires for me to be pleased! This is indeed a deficiency but a good, positive one.

The creature’s desire to please itself didn’t initially exist and was created “from absence.” But desire and the need to bestow existed all along. This need pertains to the Creator rather than to the created being. And this is the type of lack we have to inherit from Him so that we would strive to bestow and feel obligated to compensate for this deficiency; and if we don’t bestow, we suffer.

The upper one suffers if the lower one doesn’t ascend to and receive from Him. This is regarded as the suffering of Shechina which cannot bestow and bring the souls closer to itself. We only think that deficiency is always something negative, when in fact, if what I lack is bestowal to others, is it really bad?

But if the upper one has a lack, does it mean that He is imperfect? Yes, He is incomplete in terms of being dependent on the lower ones, but only because of His love for them. Until the very end of correction, this deficiency will remain, both in the upper one and the lower one.

As for us, we judge according to our own flaws and think that since He needs us, He isn’t perfect either. But where the Creator is concerned, His need to bestow derives from excessive perfection.

The Creator’s need and the need of the created being don’t disappear, but rather grow and in the end of correction become enormous! It is not as in our world when you satiate your need for love and it disappears. We were so eager to be together that now that we are—the desire vanished. I am full and don’t want anything anymore; I don’t have room for another meal.

Thus, we build a vessel within, a kind of desire that will never disappear! On the contrary, I feel greater deficiency—and greater fulfillment. But the lack compensated by bestowal to others is not a defect. It is highly valuable, honorable, and exalted! It is similar to a mother who desires to give all she can to her baby. And she definitely has a deficiency since from dawn to dusk she thinks solely of him, from the moment he was conceived inside her. But does it mean she has a defect? On the contrary, they both can delight in each other, and this is an opportunity to get fulfilled, to evolve, and to love.

The Creator is similar to the mother who suffers if she cannot give to her child as much as she can. It is a tremendous deficiency the Light contains, and it is it in particular that created desire instilled in us. When this desire unfolds in full, it will be as exalted as the Creator’s desire to bestow to us. Yet, it doesn’t demean; it exalts since it derives from love.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/22/2011, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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Why Does The Creator Need Me?
Who Is Steering The Wheel Of Creation
You Are A Shadow And I Am The Light

Kabbalah Circulation In Israel

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: I feel as if we are sitting at the bedside of a dying person, discussing what painkiller we should give him. Our priority is to engage the Light through studying. And yet, where Israel is concerned, we seem to be stuck.

Answer: Here, we receive blows in another form; therefore, we should approach people in a different way. We need to make them aware of what is going on in Europe and other parts of the world, while explaining to them how threatening these processes will be when they reach our country.

In Israel, they will manifest not in the economy collapsing but in pressure from outside, in problems with security. It is not about food and jobs; the reckoning will be done not at this level but at the level of our mission, our duty before the world. This is what we have to make people aware of.

However, at present, the nation is not ready for it in the slightest degree. Therefore, they will simply cover their ears and won’t even look at you. For now, at least they do not resent you. But if you start pushing them to take action, they will simply turn away from you. It is one thing “to join the good,” and it’s completely another matter to hear about troubles that obligate us to do something about them. “Who are you to tell us that, anyway?”

Many circles will be happy to see such turn of events and will want to crush you. On the other hand, while you are still talking about love, they have something to worry about.

Hence, we have to use a very fine approach in this case. Today, I don’t feel an impulse to make any drastic moves toward disseminating in Israel. It will only turn people away from us. For the time being, they are not willing and will not hear more. Unfortunately, this is what we are working with so far. By adding some “heat” to it, from good Samaritans, we will turn into moralists and preachers in their eyes.

We must take the path of love and good instead of forcing them into the mutual guarantee: “Let’s take care of, love, and unite with one another.” No posters with slogans: “Did you sign the guarantee?!” No, we desire to be guarantors for you.

We can’t approach this nation in any other way—only with love. Only if people begin to feel that circumstances are pressing them down will we be able to explain from where and why this pressure is put upon us.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/22/2011, “Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah)”

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Falling Asleep In The Enemy’s Grip

Kabbalists, Come To The Board!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If I buy two pieces of bread but eat only one, does it mean that I am stealing the other roll from somebody else?

Answer: Yes, it does. We don’t know yet how precisely pre-calculated everything is. However, we are set to go through 125 degrees of development, and right now, you are not expected to make any calculations, which you are unable to do anyway. And yet, you are able to comprehend the situation: We reside in an integral system, a global interdependent world. Whether we like it or not, Nature, or the Creator, is educating us about it by sending us blows if we are unwilling to acknowledge the obvious in advance.

We can’t gain any surplus for ourselves other than by depriving somebody else. For instance, Earth has a certain amount of fresh water left in its store, and if you consume more than the others, obviously it will be at their expense. This is how Nature teaches us how interconnected we are. But if we study this interconnection with our inner, spiritual consciousness, working cooperatively, we won’t need to be taught by famines and catastrophes on the path of suffering. What for?

Employing global education, we can explain to the whole humanity that we are all brothers since we are all tightly connected with and dependent on each other. In the words of Baal HaSulam, the entire world is one family. Hence, we cannot act at each other’s expense because you are not only stealing from them (which we can’t afford to do any longer), but in so doing, you also are depriving yourself of the spiritual world.

Look what you will achieve by learning to apply the law of society balanced by basic consumption. “What do billionaires have but the zeros in the bank?” Baal HaSulam asks. After all, when the economy collapses, you will have nothing left.

“Wait, but I own a 30 million dollar masterpiece!” That’s great, but the problem is that nobody needs it. You can eat it for dinner if you’d like. “But I have a few pounds of gold in my safe!” Good, but there is no one to purchase it, so what are you going to do? Previously, it had some value and you could buy a truck full of food with it, but today nobody needs your gold.

We will have to study very hard if we don’t educate humanity in advance. Educate them about what? We have to teach them about the simple things: to introduce them to the new reality governed by global interdependence, integration, and reciprocity, where everybody depends on one another.

Take a look at Europeans who are about to disband and split. They don’t understand that the general trend is pushing them back and tearing the ties is impossible. Even the “common wealth market,” which in reality is nothing more than an ego driven bazaar of thieves where everyone hates the other, was still facilitating at least external connections. Europe cancelled the borders and hammered its own coin embossed with their collective egoism on it. That was a certain degree of progress.

This is what we have to explain. The time has come; we are literally invited, “called out to the board.” We must put forth our best effort in educating the world, stop waiting for something else, and begin working in our full capacity.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/22/2011, “Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah)”

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Education For The New World
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The Matrix Does Not Wait

Dr. Michael LaitmanIt is time to come into compliance with the network that nature puts us in. We must gradually start to realize what conditions and forces we face, in front of what matrix we stand.

Without a proper educational foundation, rooted in the group or in the global education system, this matrix appears to me as an awful pattern. Really, will all of us be equal and receive on an equal basis?

Yes, this means that everybody receives a measure corresponding to the needs of his or her animate level. One needs to eat twice a day and the other, five. One needs warm clothes, the other, summer clothes. So, what? This is equality.

In The Writings of the Last Generation, Baal HaSulam writes that it is necessary to check everybody’s needs. In our basic needs, we are like animals, and an animal never takes too much. After catching a deer, a lion eats some part and walks away, leaving his prey. One would think why? Will it not need food tomorrow? It has no “tomorrow”; there is no surplus above necessities. As a result, it provides food for others.

In our global, integral education, we also need to explore the following topic: What does it mean to be a corrected, normal “animal.” And everything beyond that belongs to spirituality.

To build such an approach, we need public opinion and consistent education supported by life examples. It takes years, but such is correction. In order to reach its end within 6000 years, the process has to be initiated in advance. One or two additional reincarnations may elapse, and so what? A person doing this work already sees where it is heading; a perspective opens in front of him, and he feels happy looking at it.

After all, he already feels eternity and perfection that are integrated here; he is already aware that the Creator is present here; he sees the power of truth, breaking through the veils. This gives him immense strength.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/22/2011, “Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah)”

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 06.27.11

Shamati #166, “Two Discernments in Attainment
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The Book of Zohar – Selected, Chapter, Truma (Donation), ‘The Song of Songs Which is Solomon’s,’” Item 346, Lesson 14
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Talmud Eser Sefirot Part 1 Table of Questions and Answers for the Meaning of the Words,” Item 39, Lesson 32
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Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Item 16, Lesson 11
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Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah),” Item 12, Lesson 7
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“Ask The Kabbalist” – 23

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Good Environment – 06.26.11

My Good Environment – Dr. Laitman’s Advice for the Week