The Difference Between Inner Light And Surrounding Light (Advanced)

scienceA question I received from my student: How does the Surrounding Light affect us? Can it be felt or is it an exclusively spiritual phenomenon that is not expressed in the corporeal senses in any way?

My Answer: We don’t sense the Surrounding Light itself, just as we don’t sense radio waves, for instance. That is why it is called “Surrounding,” because it shines on us in a concealed way, and its action is invisible to us. We only feel the outcome of its activity.

If I feel that some force is openly helping me and I can clearly sense where it comes from, it is called the “Direct Light.” If, however, I cannot envision the source from which it stems, it is called the “Surrounding Light.”

But we shouldn’t think that because the Light is called “Surrounding,” it means that it exists somewhere outside of us. It is inside of us! It’s just that when a phenomenon is felt together with its root, it is called the Inner Light, and we are able to construct an image of its source. But if, inside one’s qualities, one cannot yet construct an image and its likeness to its source, then this Light is called “Surrounding.” One already senses it in nine out of one’s ten qualities, but cannot yet identify it for what it is and where it originates in the Creator.

Related Material: Post: What Is The Upper Light?
The Path of Kabbalah: “The Sensation of the Light”
The Path of Kabbalah: “The First Restriction, Screen, Partzuf”
Wondrous Wisdom: “Perceiving the Spiritual”

Harassed Husbands: Another Symptom Of The Crisis

billionIn the News (from India Today):Unhappily harried” The Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) comprises young, angry, “harassed” husbands… Their grouse: they were being “betrayed” by those who framed laws and enforced them; that the law erroneously assumed all wives were “innocent angels” who could only be sinned against, and are not sinners.

My Comment: So now the crisis has hit Indian families too! Apparently we will see the crisis being expressed differently in different countries and civilizations, but it will all lead to the same result – the necessity to rise above our world.

Related Material: Post: A True Diagnosis Is Half The Cure Post: The Crisis Will Wash Everyone Clean Post: The Crisis Will Erase The War Of The Sexes
Kabbalah Today Article: Man, Woman, And The Snake Between Them