The Crisis Is Systematic And Global

wordsNews Report (from Marketwire):Global Economic Meltdown: Systemic Shock” The present economic crisis is systemic and global. Consumer optimism has dipped across the globe, leaving no region untouched… Emerging Markets – heretofore stalwart guardians of global consumer confidence – have shown a precipitous decline in optimism as well. Case in point is China, registering a 42% decline in optimism from 2007 to 2008… In response to the crisis, a super-majority of the world’s consumers have already made cuts to their family budgets.

My Comment: Because some politicians don’t understand the fact that our world has become integral (one interconnected system), they say that “the crisis is happening over there, not over here.” Indeed, the world has become a single whole, and hence, regardless of any country’s level of development (whether economic, industrial, or other), anything that transpires in any part of the world will now reverberate everywhere. In addition, we can’t even tell how powerfully this will happen in different places, because we don’t know the true structure of each country and nation in the general system of souls.

The crisis began with something that is a common, unifying factor for all of us – money. However, we will soon discover that we are completely interdependent in all other respects as well! There’s only one piece of advice to give to anyone, from governments to average citizens: don’t do anything that’s against others, lower your pride, give in, and help others. At the very least, these actions are contrary to the crisis.

Related Material: Post: 2009 Is Up to Us Post: Whether It’s America or Other Nations, the Crisis Is One of Distrust
Kabbalah Today Article: Musings On the Financial Crisis

One Comment

  1. if everything comes down fron the upper worlds, and if i am controlled by upper forces, are all my thoughts and feelings controlled also. are the good as well the bad controlled by the upper forces to bring me closer to the creator. this is very profounb and confusing to me . please explain. thankyou for your help

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