How To Create Contracts In The Age Of Global Interconnection

I participated in a discussion called “Power and Capital” for the TV program, “The Butterfly Effect.” I spoke with Amir Hen, a famous Israeli attorney in the field of economics, finance and business (right).


Summary: How should we create business contracts between people and corporations if we are to take into account the global interconnection of all people and the society, the absolute interdependence between everyone in the world? This is something that no computation system can estimate!

However, if the person doing business will simply aspire to give everyone the opportunity to make a living, and to keep for himself only as much as he needs to exist, in order to become similar to Nature or to a living organism, then he will find himself in harmony with the world and fulfilled by the Upper World!

Related Material: Post: What’s the Right Way to Create Contracts in the Age of Globalization?

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